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dia - 2024 "Living Book" Edition]( (Univers... ans_: "[Preface: About this Book]( -this-book/)" and "[Introduction]( # Identity _Humans_: "[Identity](
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hree concurrent processes: our meetings, your notebooks, and a conference on our collective research. ##... tever else best suits your ways of thinking. Notebooks may be in any persistent medium, so you can refer... sis, Joplin, Simplenote * Wiki platforms, such as BookStack, DokuWiki, Notion, Obsidian, Roam Research, Z... ensure the persistence and durability of your notebooks. Turn in a digital representation of your notebo
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Edward Snowden, _Permanent Record_ (Metropolitan Books, 2019). ### 1. Version history * Edward Snowden, _Permanent Record_ (Metropolitan Books, 2019): Part I * Steven Levy, _Hackers: Heroes ... on_ [chapters 1 and 2]( (1984) **Exploit: Do something worthwhile w... Edward Snowden, _Permanent Record_ (Metropolitan Books, 2019): Part II * Charlton McIlwain, _Black Sof
3 Hits, Last modified:
e Discovery of the Future]( (B.W. Huebsch, 1913) * Wendy Schultz, "[A... y, _[Looking Backward]( (Ticknor, 1888) [chapters 1-5] * Andy Becke... berating Imagination](
3 Hits, Last modified:
ok review At the beginning, we will agree on two books that you will read during the internship that con... nect the experience to media studies scholarship. Books should be rigorous and critical, generally one ac... de rigorous engagement with insights from the two books that you read. The length may vary depending on c
3 Hits, Last modified:
ree decades later, in 1977, when he published two books, one popular, "Ever Since Darwin," and the other ... es." These and other pieces were bundled into ten books, among them many best-sellers. And, like Carl Sag... r the long lineup of scientists who published pop books on relativity. It's not their faces on all those
3 Hits, Last modified:
on_ [chapters 1 and 2]( (1984) * Stewart Brand, "['Keep Designing'... (Network Notebooks, 2010), pp. 20-25, 33-43 * Part One in Trebor S... r the Future of Work and a Fairer Internet}}_ (OR Books, 2016) * Explore [The Internet of Ownership](
3 Hits, Last modified:
## The absolutely required and very excellent books **Albanese, Catherine. _America: Religions and R... * Evidence of outside research using scholarly books or journal articles about the tradition that the ... s for referring to electronic versions of the textbooks.) Gizmos can be very good and wonderful, and they
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y, through the lens of one book, available in the bookstore: * Alec MacGillis, _Fulfillment: Winning and... 00]( (Profile Books, 2008) * Stefano Harney and Fred Moten, "Fantasy
1 Hits, Last modified:
ial-change theory alongside two free, open-access books by leading media scholars: * Zeynep Tufekci, _
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meaning. It means a certain class of journals or books, generally published through academic presses, th
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ntify_ Liberal Media Bias](," Media Research Center (1994)