Fulltext results:
- university_policies
- see the [classroom behavior](http://www.colorado.edu/policies/student-classroom-and-course-related-beh... he [Student Code of Conduct](https://www.colorado.edu/sccr/student-conduct), and the [Office of Institu... ional Equity and Compliance](https://www.colorado.edu/oiec/). ## Accommodation for Disabilities, Tempo... Disability Services website](https://www.colorado.edu/disabilityservices/). Contact Disability Services
- introduction_to_social_media
- Schneider," he/him) <nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> Armory Building, 1B24 Office hours: Wednes... ility for understanding them and the relevant procedures * Accommodate disabilities and other diverse n... cial Media](https://opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/hrsmwinter2022/)_ (University of Arizona, Winter ... is 'Book,'](https://opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/hrsmwinter2022/front-matter/preface-about-this-bo
- hacker_culture_s2018
- r Nathan Schneider <nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> Armory 1B24, meetings by appointment via emai... e course: * **[Canvas](https://canvas.colorado.edu)** is an [open-source](https://github.com/instruc... . However, showing up and participating in all scheduled meetings will help you get the most you can ou... ility for understanding them and the relevant procedures. *Verbum sat sapienti est.* ## Schedule All
- hacker_culture
- rofessor Schneider") <nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> ([[:email_etiquette|tips]]) Armory 1B24 ... e course: * **[Canvas](https://canvas.colorado.edu)** is an [open-source](https://github.com/instruc... . However, showing up and participating in all scheduled meetings will help you get the most you can ou... ility for understanding relevant policies and procedures. *Verbum sat sapienti est.* ## Schedule Each
- media_and_the_public
- man), "[Democratic Vistas](http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/Whitman/vistas/vistas.html)" The differen... [summarized here](http://schugurensky.faculty.asu.edu/moments/1922lippdew.html)). Neither of the above... er, "[Publics and Counterpublics](http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/pc/summary/v014/14.1warner.html)," _Publ... vity in American Journalism](https://www.academia.edu/2235733/The_Origins_of_Objectivity_in_American_Jo
- media_activism
- Schneider (he/him) <nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> Armory 1B24 Office hours Wednesdays 3--5 pm o... ility for understanding them and the relevant procedures. * We strive to accommodate disabilities and... ## 1. Theories of change * Saul Alinsky, "[The Education of an Organizer](https://archive.org/detail... nt Action Database](https://nvdatabase.swarthmore.edu/). Consider it in light of the book we just read.
- global_media_literacy
- ility for understanding them and the relevant procedures * refrain from the use of screen devices dur... s and a modest written task at the end. In the schedule below, assignments are listed according to the ... responsible for their own presentation. #### Schedule * August 23 * Introductions * August 2... immaterial) you'd like to investigate. We will schedule presentations in class. * August 30 *
- campus_resources
- he Dean of Students website](https://www.colorado.edu/studentaffairs/deanofstudents) is an excellent st... ee mental health counseling](https://www.colorado.edu/counseling/) is available for students * [Conflict Management](https://www.colorado.edu/sccr/conflict-management) provides a range of res... rvices * [Food Assistance](https://www.colorado.edu/volunteer/about-food-assistance) can assist any s
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- rofessor Schneider") <nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> Armory Building, 1B24 Office hours: Wednes... neurship Initiative website](https://www.colorado.edu/innovate/events), [Silicon Flatirons](https://sil... ility for understanding them and the relevant procedures * Respect student privacy, keeping any materia... from the [Dean of Students](https://www.colorado.edu/studentaffairs/deanofstudents) and, if you feel c
- connected_media_practices
- r Nathan Schneider <nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> Armory 1B24, meetings by appointment via emai... ility for understanding them and the relevant procedures * Respect student privacy, keeping any mater... from the [Dean of Students](https://www.colorado.edu/studentaffairs/deanofstudents) and, if you feel c... onnection on For‐Profit Platforms](https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/bc1/schools/mcas/sociology/pdf/connec
- screen_devices
- , Low-Tech is Often Best](https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/uk/17/08/note-taking-low-tech-often-best)," ... le Knowledge_ from the Harvard Graduate School of Education (August 21, 2017) * Susan Dynarski, "[Lap... oach to Digital Distraction](https://oit.colorado.edu/news/20016)," Office of Information Technology, U... nce/article/pii/S0360131512002254)," _Computers & Education_ 62 (March 2013) * Cindi May, "[Students
- future_histories_of_technology
- rofessor Schneider") <nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> ([[:email_etiquette|tips]]) Armory 1B24 ... ility for understanding relevant policies and procedures. ## Epochs The course proceeds through a ser... ion in Early China and Greece](http://faculty.ucr.edu/~raphals/pubs/2009%20Power%20and%20Prediction.pdf... , Liberating Imagination](https://read.dukeupress.edu/books/book/2588/chapter/1386029/IntroductionDiscr
- academic_honesty
- s. The university [defines](https://www.colorado.edu/sccr/honor-code) academic dishonesty as cheating,... o produce [less original](http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~kgajos/papers/2020/arnold20predictcive.shtml) an... my colleague [Rick Stevens](https://www.colorado.edu/cmci/people/college-leadership/j-richard-stevens)
- digital_culture_and_politics
- Schneider", he/him) <nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> Armory Building, 1B24 Office hours: Wednes... ility for understanding them and the relevant procedures * Respect student privacy, keeping any materia... from the [Dean of Students](https://www.colorado.edu/studentaffairs/deanofstudents) and, if you feel c
- sidebar
- iversity of Colorado Boulder](http://www.colorado.edu/cmci/people/media-studies/nathan-schneider). They are an open educational resource. Suggestions are welcome. ---