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6 Hits, Last modified:
we don't. In addition to its readings, lectures, guests, and discussions, this course invites us to prob... t, respectful questions of student presenters and guest speakers * Seeking one-on-one meetings with the... nd sources. #### Schedule * September 27 * Guest: Ingrid Burrington * "[What People Mean When ... * Project 2 presentations: The Middle East * Guest: Nabil Echchaibi * October 27 * _Global Med
2 Hits, Last modified:
the whole thing. Some weeks we will also have a guest speaker. Please plan to familiarize yourself with the guest speaker before they come so you are well-equipped
2 Hits, Last modified:
rse includes assigned sources, class discussions, guest speakers, and a significant component of hands-on... ghts and questions from the sources. If we have a guest speaker, be prepared to ask excellent questions.
2 Hits, Last modified:
ourse includes assigned texts, class discussions, guest speakers, and a significant component of hands-on... sights and questions from the texts. If we have a guest speaker, be prepared to ask excellent questions.
1 Hits, Last modified:
," _Strategic Organization_ 15, no. 2 (2017) ### Guest visit (10/7) ### Nonprofitism (10/14) * Ferrier