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- media_and_the_public
- ry readings on media, democracy, and the public sphere, the class will undergo a process together. We will cultivate our own public sphere, setting rules and adjusting them as we go. The m... * Articulate a vision for a democratic public sphere ## Expectations Each student is expected to: * contribute every week to our public sphere, before noon on Thursday, with at least 2 posts a
- gould
- floor of the American Museum of Natural History, there stood the remains of a tyrannosaurus. Towering ab... ume a place in the pop landscape, appearing everywhere from the cover of Newsweek to "The Simpsons." At ... the champions of these creeds with both a vulgar hereditarianism (they were given to saying things like... chair could conquer any merely conceptual issue, whereas we all acknowledge the substantial time and str
- syllabus_of_questions
- f Questions ## Instructor * Who is in charge here, and why? * What do we need to know about the i... is course? * What is the story being told? * Where are we headed? By which route? * What will it take to get there? ## Objectives * What do we hope to come out of the course with? * Are there applications for future careers? * What further
- hacker_culture_s2018
- ve entered some inverted zone, some mirror world where the dorkiest shit in the world is completely domi... for this course to be legible to the university. Therefore, work will be rewarded with bounties. These a... length with correct grammar, correct spelling, coherence * comprehension of the hack and convinci... er require nor will be improved by them. * We adhere to basic [[university policies]] regarding access
- university_policies
- hether in person, remote, or online. Failure to adhere to such behavioral standards may be subject to di... related to these policies regardless of when or where they occurred to ensure that individuals impacted... and CMCI’s embedded therapist Trinity Bryant are here to help with these or other issues you may experi... lso learn about other student wellness resources [here](https://www.colorado.edu/studentaffairs/health-a
- hypothesis
- to your identikey or name in the campus system. Here are some resources for getting started from the H... Asked Questions](https://web.hypothes.is/faq/) There are two basic ways to access Hypothesis: * Thr... ord-protected sites, or located on your computer Here are some tips that may be useful from past experi... your computer first), and annotation should work there. [More information about annotating PDFs here](ht
- introduction_to_social_media
- ute pitch video with a clear, concise slide deck. Here, you propose a new social-media network, or an im... unless permission is granted to do otherwise * Adhere to all [[university policies]], as well as course... rse revolves around a free, open-access textbook, hereafter _Humans_: * Diana Daley and students at the... might feel different in that country than it does here ### Equity and activism _Humans_: "[Equity and
- religion_in_american_life
- striving toward excellence and growth. Everyone, therefore, is fully capable of earning a high grade, re... essay should be a polished final product. To get there we will go through the following steps: * **Wr... ing together. * **All work must be original.** There are times where borrowing or copying are appropriate. This is not one of them. The point of this class
- scholarly_sources
- e useful for you throughout your academic career. Here are some good guides: * "[Evaluating Information... ngelo State University library) A key takeaway: There is no one universal way to determine whether some... sources can come up in normal Web searches, but there are also dedicated search tools that can help fac... e sure to check yourself (such as by reading the "about" page of a journal) if there is any uncertainty.
- syntax @wiki
- s_do_not_work|Mozilla Knowledge Base]]. However, there will still be a JavaScript warning about trying t... and other images can be configured and extended. Here is an overview of Smileys included in DokuWiki: ... acters to their typographically correct entities. Here is an example of recognized characters. -> <- <-... be added to the [[doku>entities|pattern file]]. There are three exceptions which do not come from that
- academic_honesty
- Academic honesty I expect that all my students adhere to an ethic of academic honesty: a practice of ac... lso have significant disciplinary consequences. There are many forms of plagiarism: repeating another p... ther cite the source or consult your instructor. Here are some specific guidelines to follow: * *Quota
- digital_culture_and_politics
- so you can refer back to them for years to come. Here are some suggestions: * Paper notebook * A folde... st directions for improvement. Determine whether there is need for "minor revisions" or "major revisions... ning, diverse perspectives, and accommodation * Adhere to all [[university policies]] regarding academic... e instructor If you find yourself in a position where lack of access to food, housing, health care, or
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- discussion post in Canvas about your experience there. With this, include proof of participation (such as a photo of yourself there or of you and your screen). Evaluation criteria a... ning, diverse perspectives, and accommodation * Adhere to all [[university policies]] regarding academic... ing meetings If you find yourself in a position where lack of access to food, housing, health care, or
- future_histories_of_technology
- or of any anticipated absence before it occurs. There is no final project or exam. ### Kudos (40%) Cl... ot be shared beyond it without permission. * We adhere to basic [[:university policies]] regarding acces
- hacker_culture
- ve entered some inverted zone, some mirror world where the dorkiest shit in the world is completely domi... for this course to be legible to the university. Therefore, work will be rewarded with [bounties](https:... ot be shared beyond it without permission. * We adhere to basic [[:university policies]] regarding acces... as a hacker by hacking yourself. See math or art where you didn't before. Measure some aspect of your li