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6 Hits, Last modified:
([[:email_etiquette|tips]]) Armory 1B24 Office hours Wednesdays 3-5 pm or by appointment W... ompany, Instructure. It is currently our campus's official LMS, and we will use it for a variety of tas... e caught up in places that aren't accessible---in offline archives, behind paywalls or private intranet... hare it with those who will, or find a liberating offline place for it, like a flyer or a megaphone. Be
6 Hits, Last modified:
ew, made much of Gould's double debut, and he was off and running. Gould came to real fame through his... resistance.) So, the argument went, we're better off extrapolating from what we can see clearly now th... o longer mate with each other and produce fertile offspring; only, that is, if they could no longer sha... fend his position against charges of collapse. He offers two main defenses. One is to deny reports of h
4 Hits, Last modified:
aret Weigel, "[Ideological segregation online and offline](," _Journalist's Resource_ (January 10, 2012)... l)," _New York_ (January 27, 2015) * Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, "[The Coddling of the America... modified by agreement of those present during any official class period.* [ [[note:media_and_the_publi
4 Hits, Last modified:> Armory Building, 1B24 Office hours: Wednesday at 3-5 p.m., or by appointmen... appropriately (and creatively) in the guise of an official document from the organization. Evaluation c... grams, tabs, and notifications unrelated to class off during meetings If you find yourself in a positi... , can we do? #### 10. Disrupting work * Ben Tarnoff, _[The Making of the Tech Worker Movement](https:
4 Hits, Last modified:
ompany, Instructure. It is currently our campus's official LMS, and we will use it for a variety of tas... generally precede the week's DiscoTech, so aim to offer something useful---a skill that fellow students... e caught up in places that aren't accessible---in offline archives, behind paywalls or private intranet... hare it with those who will, or find a liberating offline place for it, like a flyer or a megaphone. Be
3 Hits, Last modified:> Armory Building, 1B24 Office hours: Wednesday at 3-5 p.m., or by appointmen... w social network designed to mimic behavior in an offline social space (e.g., a post office, a public pool, a playground) ### Social Networks and Online Co
3 Hits, Last modified:
straction](," Office of Information Technology, University of Color... (March 2013) * Cindi May, "[Students are Better Off without a Laptop in the Classroom](," _Scientific
3 Hits, Last modified:
/, and the [Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance](https:... on by or against members of our community on- and off-campus. These behaviors harm individuals and our community. The Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC)
syntax @wiki
2 Hits, Last modified:
'single' and "double quotes". They can be turned off through a [[doku>config:typography|config option]... dg, cfm, chaiscript, cil, clojure, cmake, cobol, coffeescript, cpp, cpp-qt, csharp, css, cuesheet, d, d
2 Hits, Last modified:
final report. This should ideally occur during my office hours, or by appointment. These meetings are a... al: Successor handbook Before the last scheduled office hours the end of the term, you will turn in a
2 Hits, Last modified:
t/customer-discovery-acquisition/)" * Shoshana Zuboff, "[Big Other: Surveillance Capitalism and the Pro... dified by a consensus of those present during any official class period.* [ [[note:connected_media_pra
1 Hits, Last modified:
y addressed each other more informally), and sign off with your name at the bottom. Emails aren't forma
1 Hits, Last modified:
s, for use as discussion notes, consider printing off the most recent annotations from your user page,
1 Hits, Last modified:
([[:email_etiquette|tips]]) Armory 1B24 Office hours Wednesdays 3-5 pm or by appointment W
1 Hits, Last modified:> Armory Building, 1B24 Office hours: Wednesday at 3-5 p.m., or by appointmen
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1 Hits, Last modified: