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9 Hits, Last modified:
mony; $25.95), he brought his monthly essays to a planned close. And with the release, at the same time,... word "evolution" and the reopening of the Hayden Planetarium, in 2000, to launch a marvellously lucid explanation of the difference between biological and ste... the possibility that some features of animals and plants are simply by-products of how organisms are bui
7 Hits, Last modified:
low a common pattern: * **The first meeting**, plan to have completed the assigned texts for in-class... Plan to have done some preparatory work on that week's... preliminary, and we'll work on them in class, so plan to have a screen device with you. ### Objective ... like. But the README text should include a full explanation and rationale. Exploits need not and should
6 Hits, Last modified:
discussions (15 points) #### Class discussions Plan to have completed the assigned sources for in-cla... Also, be ready for a more practice-oriented time. Plan to have done some preparatory thinking on that we... you think you have earned with a one-paragraph explanation. The instructor will determine final bountie... de, and other media. If your media are not self-explanatory, include a [README](
4 Hits, Last modified:
an opportunity, and a value proposition * a explanatory reflection on how the sketch connects to the... , or students may work in groups of at least two. Plan for considerable collaboration time outside of cl... a percentage of the project total): * Research plan of 500--700 words, including visuals such as sket... the appropriate Canvas assignment: * Research plan: 10/14 * Whitepaper draft: 11/22 * Complete w
4 Hits, Last modified:
ativity * Comprehension of the disruption and explanation of what qualifies it as disruptive * Evide... will share interviewees' insights, alongside an explanation of the nature of the disruption and its broa... ativity * Comprehension of the disruption and explanation of what qualifies it as disruptive * Evide... e Hold" (pp. 84-99), _[The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study](https://www.minorcompositions.
3 Hits, Last modified:
get back to you within two business days. Please plan ahead on the assumption that you will not hear ba... in tone and content for the intended audience * Explanation of the platform's basic use, including affor... e weeks we will also have a guest speaker. Please plan to familiarize yourself with the guest speaker be
3 Hits, Last modified:
nute, and with one slide, share the questions you plan to investigate and your planned methods. *Extended abstract* (5 points) In under 300 words, summarize ... to read on your own and outline a basic research plan **Week 8**: Begin employing your research method
2 Hits, Last modified:
me, video, skit, text, art installation, business plan, social media campaign, or other media, digital o... you think you have earned with a one-paragraph explanation, in the relevant assignment in Canvas. The i
2 Hits, Last modified:
rafts * **Consultation** with the instructor to plan final revision * **Final product** turned in on... uths_: Hurston, Baldwin ### Visions of Paradise Planted * _America_: 7 * _Radiant Truths_: Teague
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bout the campaign, grounded in an analysis of its planning, execution, effectiveness, use of media, and ... . ### Objectivity and perspective * Robert Kaplan, "[The Origins of Objectivity in American Journal
1 Hits, Last modified:
Diverse mediums are welcome, and students should plan to use different mediums from epoch to epoch. An
1 Hits, Last modified:
with me two times: at the beginning to agree on a plan and after turning in the final report. This shoul
1 Hits, Last modified:
t isn't much time, so the duration should be well planned to be used in a way that is both appealing and
1 Hits, Last modified:
lly, one of each—with a persuasive and rigorous explanation of each. * Provides relevant background an