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_[Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship]( "[Developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset]( a (9/16) * Ferrier and Mays: "[Ideation]( * Ferrier and Mays: "[Customer Discovery](
12 Hits, Last modified:
n 800-to-900-word op-ed (authored by yourself) or press release (promoting an invented initiative or prod... os Angeles Times, and the Washington Post * For press releases, simple templates for the expected forma... here and here. For more inspiration, try to find press releases published by the organization you choose... to AP Style * Adherence to standard op-ed or press release format * Correct length, spelling, an
8 Hits, Last modified:
s as follows: * Objective 0: 25 points * impressive listening and contributions in class discussion (10 points) * impressive critical thinking and prolificacy in online an... haracter with instructive illustrations * impressive and documented research with both scholarly an... oleman-Coding-Freedom.pdf)_ (Princeton University Press, 2013) * Tsutomu Shimomura, "[Catching Kevin](h
6 Hits, Last modified:
and a creative proposal by which to address it, expressed through appropriate and engaging media * Prac... tear-gas-by-zeynep-tufekci.pdf)_ (Yale University Press, 2017) * Sasha Costanza-Chock, _[Design Justice... e Need]( (MIT Press, 2020) In addition, we will read and discuss oth... Radical Women of Color_ (New York: Kitchen Table Press). * Donella Meadows, "[Leverage Points: Places
6 Hits, Last modified:
and convincing, accessible analysis of it * Impressive and documented research with both [[:scholarly... AfroNet to Black Lives Matter_ (Oxford University Press, 2020): {{:lib:mcilwain-blacksoftware.pdf|28-43, ... oleman-Coding-Freedom.pdf)_ (Princeton University Press, 2013) **Exploit: Make a remix.** Take something... in _The Social Media Reader_ (New York University Press, 2012) **Exploit: Create an identity.** Who you
4 Hits, Last modified:
comments or questions during class discussion * Impressive sharing of coursework * Helpful feedback on ot... 9780674545878/html#contents)_ (Harvard University Press, 2016) * _[Stories from Tomorrow: Exploring New T... Design, Liberating Imagination]( veryday Life_, ed. Ruha Benjamin (Duke University Press, 2019) * Anisia Uzeyman and Saul Williams (dirs.)
4 Hits, Last modified:
red so far in the course textbook * Evidence of impressive independent research in both the video and bib... and plausibility of the proposal * Evidence of impressive outside research, with at least ten sources---... : Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics_ (South End Press, 1990) Quest: None ### Identity _Humans_: "[Id... ed.), _Social Media Archaeology and Poetics_ (MIT Press, 2016) [campus login required] Artifact: [First
4 Hits, Last modified:
of a writer and that of a researcher. The most impressive thing about these careers, though, was that th... ucture of Evolutionary Theory," is particularly impressive. As a rule, though, it's not for history that ... that creatures are robust beings that resist the pressures of changing environments. This conservatism, ... eminisces about his first reading of Kuhn as an impressionable first-year graduate student. Kuhn deeply a
3 Hits, Last modified:
in which people have tried to think through and express themselves clearly on impolite subjects, and then... American Belief_. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2014.** - In parallel to the main textbook, we w... rs. Tardiness will be understood by all as an expression of disrespect for the class community. Excused
2 Hits, Last modified:
on, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, marital status, political aff... ience with CMCI does not reflect the commitment expressed here, or if you want to share a positive instan
2 Hits, Last modified:
cb/detail.action?docID=6455828)_ (Yale University Press, 2021) **Week 1**: Preface-ch. 3 **Week 2**: Ch... (Oxford University Press, 2023) [read 5-6 chapters whose titles interest y
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te your proposal with a sense of awareness of the pressures and concerns that affect the recipient * Us
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t]] :!: * [[doku>users|Happy Users]] * [[doku>press|Who wrote about it]] * [[doku>blogroll|What Blo
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ls or books, generally published through academic presses, that employ certain methodologies to ensure th
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