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7 Hits, Last modified:
e an illustrated, 1,800-to-2,000-word report on a real-world hack for a relevant establishmentarian orga... exts Bounties will be compiled in (more or less) real time on Canvas for easy access. The final grade w... 7, no. 1 (2015) * Robert Graham, "[No, 'Hacker' Really Does Mean 'Hacker'](," _Errata Security_ (Aug
5 Hits, Last modified:
debut, and he was off and running. Gould came to real fame through his writings on evolution for Natura... ed literature claimed that I.Q. measured a single real thing called intelligence, and that this thing sh... ern of long stasis punctuated by sudden change is real. It doesn't reflect gaps in the data; it is the d... e no undisputed cases of species selection in the real world. This does not mean that the idea is wrong;
syntax @wiki
5 Hits, Last modified:
thout it. You should use forced newlines only if really needed. ===== Links ===== DokuWiki supports m... ts. Optionally you can specify the size of them. Real size: {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.... {{}} Real size: {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.... we shouldn't >> Well, I say we should > Really? >> Yes! >>> Then lets do it! I thin
4 Hits, Last modified:
do. Bounties will be compiled in (more or less) real time on Canvas for easy access. The final grade w... e an illustrated, 1,800-to-2,000-word report on a real-world hack for a relevant establishmentarian orga... culture, or what culture would be like if it were really free. Show us what you can come up with. ### 5... at does this world allow you to explore that the "real" world does not? What is the same, and what is di
4 Hits, Last modified:
romoting an invented initiative or product from a real organization or company) that makes an interventi... he Campaign Against Political Correctness: What’s Really at Stake]( of_survivors_on_campus_and_a_good_teacher_i_didnt_realize_just_how_impossible_this_would_be/)," _Salon_ ... " Twitter (August 4, 2015) Online, harassment is real: * Marlisse Silver Sweeney, "[What the Law Can
3 Hits, Last modified:
tegy that addresses it. Interventions need not be realistic for students to carry out; students may imag... s as representing better-resourced organizations, real or imaginary. The purpose of this assignment is t... ," in _Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals_ (Random House, 1971) * Audre Lor
1 Hits, Last modified:
documentation. But what do we lose when we don't really understand something before using it? Choose a
1 Hits, Last modified:
with it. ### 4. Final project This class will really get interesting as we each undertake the proces
1 Hits, Last modified:
y. In other words, diversity is not just a future reality for which we try to prepare students. It is a