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6 Hits, Last modified:
ctive to someone else, and the karmic rewards are sure to come back to you. Be sure to articulate both the strengths and weaknesses of a draft. It can also ... erstand their primary point and purpose to be. Be sure to refer to the text of the assignment to ensure that your recommendations are aligned with the assigne
5 Hits, Last modified:
out, blood looks red when it carries oxygen, but surely it's the oxygen that natural selection cares ab... tly sophisticated literature claimed that I.Q. measured a single real thing called intelligence, and tha... war Europe. In work that culminated in "The Mismeasure of Man," Gould levelled city blocks of this liter... --and the one on which his scientific legacy will surely ride--is known as "punctuated equilibrium." Gou
4 Hits, Last modified:
You can repeat the quiz in class if you like. Be sure to bring a Canvas-friendly device to class. Quiz... s Posts from a given week will be evaluated to ensure that, collectively, they include: * Completion o... le of 6--8 sources you used in your research. Be sure to meet the following evaluation criteria: * Hig... k_ and devise a technological or social countermeasure that could defeat it ### Relationships _Humans_
4 Hits, Last modified:
ignment is optional if that would be helpful. Be sure to turn assignments in at least 48 hours before w... experienced contradict the claims of the book? Be sure to demonstrate in-depth engagement with both the ... he assignment. ## Employer evaluation Please be sure that your internship is registered in the campus ... art of faculty, so it is your responsibility to ensure that all milestones are met. At the beginning, pr
4 Hits, Last modified:
ructor, the university, and one another. Please ensure that you understand it fully, and don't hesitate ... n with a short quiz on the readings intended to ensure that we are all doing each other the courtesy of ... daily for at least two weeks at a time. We will ensure that, together, we are specializing in outlets al... our proposal with a sense of awareness of the pressures and concerns that affect the recipient * Use m
3 Hits, Last modified:
l for about one side of a sheet of paper. Just be sure to include [[engagement with assigned sources|eng... ine place for it, like a flyer or a megaphone. Be sure to explain what makes the information valuable an... self. See math or art where you didn't before. Measure some aspect of your life, routine, mind, or body,
2 Hits, Last modified:
ion for which you require adjustment, **please be sure to alert the instructor or your TA ahead of time ... es regardless of when or where they occurred to ensure that individuals impacted receive information abo
2 Hits, Last modified:
ded? * How can we break each activity down to ensure it is graded fairly? * Is there a process of re... n conflict arises? * What do we need to do to ensure the course is accessible for all participants?
2 Hits, Last modified:
*. If it is tacked on, readers will know it. Make sure the engagement contributes something useful to th... t as if that idea is the writer's own point. Make sure to interpret any part of the source in light of t
2 Hits, Last modified:
der? * Regardless of your citation format, make sure that the reader can ascertain, for a given piece ... t sense; if your document may be read on paper, ensure that readers can get a good sense of what and whe
2 Hits, Last modified:
ine place for it, like a flyer or a megaphone. Be sure to explain what makes the information valuable an... ep in mind Raymond's essay on questions to help ensure your recommendation is usefully phrased and well
dokuwiki @wiki
2 Hits, Last modified:
a simple but powerful [[wiki:syntax]] which makes sure the datafiles remain readable outside the Wiki an... er [[doku>donate|donating]] a few bucks ;-). Not sure what this means? See the [[doku>faq:license|FAQ o
2 Hits, Last modified:
c presses, that employ certain methodologies to ensure that publications are vetted by the academic comm... ill be peer reviewed, but most will be. Always be sure to check yourself (such as by reading the "about"
1 Hits, Last modified:
software and/or open formats are recommended to ensure the persistence and durability of your notebooks.
syntax @wiki
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the next cell completely empty as shown above. Be sure to have always the same amount of cell separators
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