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on only when the precise phrasing of the original text is noteworthy or significant; otherwise, paraphra
8 Hits, Last modified:
tion is one that reflects an understanding of the text and builds on it in some thoughtful way. If you'r... ent. They might be primarily graphic or primarily textual, or code. Show, don't just tell---provide scre... a [README]( text that explains the nature and rationale of the hac... hension and critical engagement (5 points) * Contextualize in culture and history, documenting additio
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n a) a challenge or problem related to the week's texts and b) an outline for an original strategy that ... orm of a drawing, infographic, game, video, skit, text, art installation, business plan, social media ca... * Demonstrate a sophisticated grasp of assigned texts * Communicate a problem and a creative proposa... h assigned sources|engagement]] with the assigned texts. Come prepared to contribute original analysis,
1 Hits, Last modified:
hat you read. The length may vary depending on context, but a good target is about 2,000 words. Remember
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ect (LGBTQ) Crisis Line (24/7): (866) 488-7386 or text START to 678678 * Mental Health Partners Drop-In
25 Hits, Last modified:
model and ownership * Impressive research with in-text hyperlinks to all source documents * Thoughtful, ... gement with at least two concepts from the course textbook ### Pitch video (25%) The final project for... gement with at least two concepts from the course textbook that demonstrates comprehension and critical ... hinking Citing sources in APA format involves in-text citation (Author, YEAR) as well as a full referen
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ia but much more common in business and policy contexts. It is a semi-formal, persuasive document that o
6 Hits, Last modified:
f the nature of the disruption and its broader context. This assignment is conducted in groups of 3-4, w... es by each student (duly credited), along with contextual data on social impacts * Meaningful [[engage... the disruption, its economic and technological context, and the means of its financing and growth. Be su... (Logic(s), 2020) * Anisia Uzeyman and Saul Wil
1 Hits, Last modified:
point and purpose to be. Be sure to refer to the text of the assignment to ensure that your recommendat
5 Hits, Last modified:
older of word-processor documents or simple plain-text files (e.g., .md, .txt)\* * Citation managers, su... h different names or purposes depending on the context): * Introduction * Literature review * Methodolo... s://," _Social Text_ 22, no. 2 (2004) * Anne Applebaum and Peter Pome... s://” _Social Text_ 18, no. 2 (June 1, 2000) * "[Ghost Work](https:/
6 Hits, Last modified:
on* **(25%)**, which includes: * a sketch, in text or images, of an entrepreneurial idea related to ... 25 * Whitepaper final: 12/9 ## Units The core text for this course is an open-access textbook: Michelle Ferrier and Elizabeth Mays (eds.), _[Media Innovat... side it, we will explore critical and theoretical texts on related topics. ### Entrepreneurialism (9/9)
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e is to evaluate students' comprehension with the texts and other media assigned in the course syllabus.... ore. * *Interpreting part of the source out of context*. If a writer outlines an idea in order to argue
3 Hits, Last modified:
standards Appropriate citations are a highly contextual matter. There is no one style of citation that... lves what standards they should use in a given context. By the end of one's education, one should be fam... guidelines. * If you're writing a non-academic text, such as a memo, letter, or [[whitepaper]], consi
16 Hits, Last modified:
n of the internet. This course includes assigned texts, class discussions, guest speakers, and a signif... 'll use this to annotate and discuss the assigned texts. ### Objective 0: Contribute Students are resp... st meeting**, plan to have completed the assigned texts for in-class discussion. Be ready to raise insights and questions from the texts. If we have a guest speaker, be prepared to ask
dokuwiki @wiki
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ide the Wiki and eases the creation of structured texts. All data is stored in plain text files -- no database is required. Read the [[doku>manual|DokuWiki M
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syntax @wiki
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