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r own, and even presenting someone else's line of thinking in the development of a thesis as though it were
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expected for those. Bounty rubric: * Critical thinking and prolificacy in online discussions (15 points)... oriented time. Plan to have done some preparatory thinking on that week's Exploit---the skill we'll be learn... their value is in the adventuresomeness of their thinking, not their girth. Create enough material for abou
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miliarizing oneself with the works as a whole and thinking critically about their interconnections. Come to ... own sense of agency and to exercise adventuresome thinking. Over the course of the semester, a student's Int... ate and engaging media * Practice adventuresome thinking in both concept and presentation, using compellin
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r * Demonstrate the ability to integrate critical thinking and practical pedagogy ## One-to-one meetings A
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t what you've learned to use through constructive thinking. Your pitch should: * Identify a problem, suppor... book that demonstrates comprehension and critical thinking Citing sources in APA format involves in-text ci
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nd shortcomings of disruptive and entrepreneurial thinking. Except for the book we read in Phase Two, all r
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charts, or whatever else best suits your ways of thinking. Be sure to reflect on both the content of the re
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or some twenty years, he summarized a lifetime of thinking on evolution. Gould was a modern master of the s... has something to say. His history of evolutionary thinking, which makes up the first half of "The Structure ... gher level of fitness than biologists are used to thinking about--one that reflects the birth and death of s
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their value is in the adventuresomeness of their thinking, not their girth. Also: do not break the law. ##... discussion (10 points) * impressive critical thinking and prolificacy in online annotations (10 points)... in open formats * adventuresome and rigorous thinking * creative implementation and stretching of s
5 Hits, Last modified:
* Class participation - 20% * Adventuresome thinking - 20% * Mid-term exam - 20% * Final project -... gement with the instructor. ### 2. Adventuresome thinking At each meeting, each student is expected to bri... the assigned reading, an example of Adventuresome Thinking that reflects some engagement with the text beyon... herwise illuminates the text. Each Adventuresome Thinking assignment should be between 150 and 300 words, t