Fulltext results:
- hacker_culture_s2018
- with slides and/or a live demo. Slides should be turned in on Canvas before the class period of the pre... ext, read the section on Stewart Brand here: Fred Turner and Christine Larson, "[Network Celebrity: Entr... ship and the New Public Intellectuals](http://fredturner.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/Turner-Larson-Network-Celebrity-PC-2015.pdf)," _Public Culture_ 27, n
- internships
- es: at the beginning to agree on a plan and after turning in the final report. This should ideally occur... is optional if that would be helpful. Be sure to turn assignments in at least 48 hours before we meet s... olemic. Within one week of the midterm, you will turn in an approximately 1,300-word review of the firs... eduled office hours the end of the term, you will turn in a handbook about how to carry out the internsh
- digital_culture_and_politics
- he persistence and durability of your notebooks. Turn in a digital representation of your notebook entr... class.* ## Research methods (weeks 6-9) Now, we turn to the methods we will use to investigate our res... and continue research *At the end of this unit, turn in your extended abstract based on your prelimina... 4**: Conference *At the start of the final week, turn in your revised, properly formatted paper and be
- media_and_the_public
- censorship * Jason Q. Ng, "[The Diminishing Returns of Tricking China’s Censors](http://www.technologyreview.com/view/528521/the-diminishing-returns-of-tricking-chinas-online-censors/)," _MIT Techn... "[GamerGate rides again: Corporate arrogance just turned SXSW’s “big tent” into a three-ring circus](htt... 03/gamergate_rides_again_corporate_arrogance_just_turned_sxsws_big_tent_into_a_three_ring_circus/)," _Sa
- religion_in_american_life
- 300 words, typed or hand-written, and it will be turned in at the end of class. It must, however, be co... and medium * **Draft** of the completed product turned in to the instructor * **Peer review** among ... ctor to plan final revision * **Final product** turned in on time at the end of the course Each proje... class is to learn, engage, and create. Everything turned in for credit must be your own, with sources ci
- global_media_literacy
- resentation Slideshows can be in any format, but turn them in (on D2L) using PDF or another platform-in... icipate in constructively reviewing others' work Turn in the draft you use for peer review and your fin... oth collectively and individually. In addition to turning in the group's slides, each student should pos... ft; both the draft and the final revision will be turned in for evaluation. #### Schedule * Novembe
- media_activism
- s. ### Interventions (30%) Most weeks, students turn in an Intervention. These Interventions are simpl... sing the topic with the instructor, students will turn in a proposal that explains and justifies the pro... ting the final draft. A project statement must be turned in with the final project, in both the draft an
- gould
- was, more than anything, their simultaneity that turned heads. Scientists do not as a rule burst upon t... As a rule, though, it's not for history that one turns to Gould. It's for his own unorthodox ideas on t... l give rise to more "daughter" species, which, in turn, will give rise to more "granddaughter" species,
- connected_media_practices
- with avenues for critique and transformation. By turning a critical eye to the networks around us today... ntage of the total course grade): * Each week, turn in on Canvas before class time and be prepared to... tion-and-entrepreneurship/part/ideation/)" * Fred Turner, "[Where the Counterculture Met the New Economy
- introduction_to_social_media
- tform works and how to navigate it. Additionally, turn in a bibliography in APA style of 6--8 sources yo... dent research in both the video and bibliography Turn in both the video (a playable link) and the bibli... e many guides to APA citations available online. Turn in both the video (a playable link) and the slide
- hacker_culture
- ong, with slides. One student in the group should turn in the group's slides on Canvas before the class ... ke a remix.** Take something out in the world and turn it into something else. Mash up music or video in
- academic_honesty
- **if AI is used to generate any content that you turn in, it should be credited like any other source**... ltimately responsible for the quality of what you turn in. --- *This document draws substantially from
- whitepaper
- ge/) - a 2014 internal report at the _New York Times_ that advocated a radical turn toward digital media
- syntax @wiki
- 0x480), 'single' and "double quotes". They can be turned off through a [[doku>config:typography|config o
- technology_requirements
- e software. Therefore I prefer that coursework be turned in using open formats such as .txt, .md, .odt,