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- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- # Disruptive Entrepreneurship **MDST 2011** *Disruption* has become a hallowed achievement in contemporary b... ts mean by the word? What have been the great disruptions of our time, and who wound up disrupted? This course is a hands-on exploration of disruption as
- syntax @wiki
- ==== Formatting Syntax ====== [[doku>DokuWiki]] supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. Th... und:playground|playground]] page. The simpler markup is easily accessible via [[doku>toolbar|quickbutt... oo. ===== Basic Text Formatting ===== DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic//, __underlined__ and ''m
- hacker_culture_s2018
- her to make the expectations clear, and then it's up to you how and to what degree you'd like to meet ... tendance will be taken in class. However, showing up and participating in all scheduled meetings will ... referencing relevant assigned texts. You may add supplementary files (code, screenshots, videos, etc.)... ach week, usually during the second meeting, a group of students will present to the class about a hac
- hacker_culture
- ess. The final grade will be calculated by adding up the bounties each student has earned. Final grade... tendance will be taken in class. However, showing up and participating in all scheduled meetings will ... * Clear explanation of the Exploit along with supporting evidence * Creative implementation that ... ach week, usually during the second meeting, a group of students will present to the class about a hac
- global_media_literacy
- are all doing each other the courtesy of keeping up. **20 points** ### Projects 1 and 2: Presentat... ss time—one individually, and one as part of a group. In both cases, presentations should be about 10 ... ophisticated grasp of its meaning and context; group presentations should be tightly integrated while ... rsuasive argument for a particular intervention, supported by data and evidence from reliable sources,
- gould
- t turned heads. Scientists do not as a rule burst upon the popular and the professional scenes at the ... mns, he proudly observed, "without a single interruption for cancer, hell, high water, or the World Se... " (If you don't believe it, consider the long lineup of scientists who published pop books on relativi... His history of evolutionary thinking, which makes up the first half of "The Structure of Evolutionary
- connected_media_practices
- itepaper project The core of this course is a group-based project to propose, in detail, a networked ... ngle project together, or students may work in groups of at least two. Plan for considerable collaboration time outside of class. Groups of students will produce a [[whitepaper]] outlin... * Take responsibility for one section of their group's whitepaper, between 1,800 and 2,000 words, incl
- introduction_to_social_media
- networks to flourish, and the cultures that grow up through and around them. It explores how social m... change, and how design informs individual and group behavior. Students should expect to come away wi... hen [share the video directly from Zoom](https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_artic... nking. Your pitch should: * Identify a problem, supported with evidence * Propose a solution to it, a
- university_policies
- always align with how they identify. Students may update their preferred names and pronouns via the st... nstructors' class rosters. In the absence of such updates, the name that appears on the class roster i... u/oiec/reporting-resolutions/making-report), and support resources can be found on the [OIEC website](... impacted receive information about their rights, support resources, and resolution options. To learn m
- media_and_the_public
- nsible advocacy: * Clarity of argument * Support of argument through evidence, documented in t... of your choosing, individually or as part of a group. Your analysis should be written so as to have an... 5) * Michael Wines and Stephanie Saul, "[White Supremacists Extend Their Reach Through Websites](http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/06/us/white-supremacists-extend-their-reach-through-websites.html
- media_activism
- sist of close reading, forming a space of mutual support, and honing our own practice in collaboration... complete a final project that is ready to deploy upon completion, in partnership with a relevant orga... raft and final stages, which may be a revised and updated reworking of the proposal. * Proposal: **... s the intended scope and quality * Include an updated project statement with the same specificatio
- digital_culture_and_politics
- should also be prefaced with a brief abstract of up to 150 words, not included in the main word count... ceed through the process together, sharing early suppositions for feedback and conducting a formal pee... es]] unless for collective work or accessibility, upon agreement with the instructor If you find your... s interferes with your studies, consider seeking support from the [Dean of Students](https://www.color
- future_histories_of_technology
- k on other students' work * Modeling leadership, support, or mentorship The instructor will issue con... er Bag Theory of Fiction](https://otherfutures.nl/uploads/documents/le-guin-the-carrier-bag-theory-of-... erfect/2024/2/13/24070864/samotsvety-forecasting-superforecasters-tetlock)," _Vox_ (February 13, 2024)... Design, Liberating Imagination](https://read.dukeupress.edu/books/book/2588/chapter/1386029/Introduct
- religion_in_american_life
- ions that is at once seminal and radical, looking upon its subject from the perspective of the margina... he class community. Excused absences must be made up through supplementary work, by prior arrangement with the instructor. ### 2. Adventuresome thinking ... g criteria: * On-time completion of the agreed-upon project * Evidence of deep engagement with at
- dokuwiki @wiki
- y kind. It is targeted at developer teams, workgroups and small companies. It has a simple but powerfu... Change Log]] * [[doku>Install|How to install or upgrade]] :!: * [[doku>config|Configuration]] **U... rain.org>((Please do not contact me for help and support -- use the [[doku>mailinglist]] or [[http://f