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21 Hits, Last modified:
By turning a critical eye to the networks around us today, we will learn to design tools and economie... *(50%)** * Group participation, based on anonymous feedback from collaborators **(10%)** Sections w... ons to the whitepaper project. Feedback is anonymous to fellow students. Reflect on peers' projects ba... riteria in the Expectations section of this syllabus, as well as based on the student's contributions
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History, there stood the remains of a tyrannosaurus. Towering above hordes of awestruck kids, this pi... onal distinction. He was awarded a MacArthur "genius" prize, elected to the National Academy of Scienc... th the release, at the same time, of his magnum opus, "The Structure of Evolutionary Theory" (Belknap;... g intellectual shoddiness. His book enjoyed enormous popular success and earned him a National Book Cr
17 Hits, Last modified:
ives? Do hacker formations like Wikileaks, Anonymous, and open-source software represent a new kind of... fit company, Instructure. It is currently our campus's official LMS, and we will use it for a variety ... les in open formats * adventuresome and rigorous thinking * creative implementation and stretc... 0-59). ### Terms and conditions * This syllabus is a living document and may be revised by consen
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ding reference to at least two texts on the syllabus * Adherence to the topic, medium, and scope agr... radical 1960s activist and feminist, here's a famous manifesto about why structure matters: * Jo Fr... ournalism & Media (April 29, 2015) * "[2015 Census]( _bubbles),'" TED Talk (March 2011) * nina de jesus, "[The Filter Bubble Is a Misguided, Privileged N
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, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, marital status, political affiliation, or political philosophy. For more information, see the [cla... emic dishonesty. Understanding the course's syllabus is a vital part in adhering to the Honor Code. A... against members of our community on- and off-campus. These behaviors harm individuals and our communi
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We will encounter disruptions in the world around us and devise some of our own. Students should expec... second, as a one-minute pitch with one parsimonious slide. Evaluation criteria are as follows: * ... norms will be regarded as a violation of the campus Honor Code. ### Class participation *10 percent... rt of the course is participation in two synchronous events in the Boulder entrepreneurial community--
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norms will be regarded as a violation of the campus Honor Code. If you need to miss class due to illness, religious observance, or emergency, please inform your TA a... or thread (by posting and replying to each previous post) using the hashtag \#q[number] * Reply to at... rategy for creating your video is to use your campus Zoom account and make a "cloud" recording with sc
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ives? Do hacker formations like Wikileaks, Anonymous, and open-source software represent a new kind of... fit company, Instructure. It is currently our campus's official LMS, and we will use it for a variety ... e reports from [Cisco]( or ... sources]] ### Terms and conditions * This syllabus is a living document and may be revised during th
8 Hits, Last modified:
res, guests, and discussions, this course invites us to probe and reflect on our own media existence a... entions for change. ## Expectations This syllabus, for students who decide to proceed with the course, should be considered a contract among us—with the instructor, the university, and one anot... presentations should be about 10 minutes long, plus a few minutes for Q&A. That isn't much time, so t
6 Hits, Last modified:
al tool and its results will be treated with serious discretion, informed by student feedback. ### Ca... ation in peer review ## Agreements * This syllabus is a living document and may be revised during th... t, either on the open internet or through the campus library. Students are not expected to study ever... ith all and choose one or two in each epoch to focus on especially. ### Worldbuilding * Ursula Le Gu
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acy in digital life. Reaching this goal will take us through the full research cycle for producing an ... scrimination, misconduct, inclusivity, and religious observances; we take responsibility for understan... ce. ## Naming our questions (weeks 1-2) To help us develop our research questions, we will read toge... rominent media scholar, available through the campus library: * Zizi Papacharissi, _[After Democracy:
syntax @wiki
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ase note that these only make sense in a homogeneous user group like a corporate [[wp>Intranet]]. W... m by at least two spaces (like used for the previous examples) or by using the tags ''%%<code>%%'' or ... same code and file blocks described in the previous section, but this time the name of the language s... , groovy, gettext, gwbasic, haskell, hicest, hq9plus, html, html5, icon, idl, ini, inno, intercal, io,
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States * Through direct encounters with religious communities, we will experience a glimpse of religious life as it is lived around us today * Through a process of composition and revision, aided by both ... a personal essay about an encounter with a religious community that has not been part of your past exp
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# A Syllabus of Questions ## Instructor * Who is in charge here, and why? * What do we need to ... * What further study should this course prepare us for? * What skills will we develop? * What ki... ectations * What kinds of activities will help us learn and demonstrate that we have done so? * I... How do we change these agreements and this syllabus when necessary? ## Schedule * Who determines
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* **Be fully present**. Class is a place for focus, not multitasking. Humans are [notoriously bad at... n they think they are. Do yourself a favor and focus on class while in class. It will make the experie... ]] whenever possible is a good way to aid your focus. * **Avoid coming and going during class**. Ple... me or other students, as long as you keep the focus on the ideas, not the person. I also commit to ho
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