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11 Hits, Last modified:
ack that addresses the week's topic in a creative way, reflecting technical ingenuity (though not neces... ent them from killing the learning process in the way that grades normally do. The maximum bounty award... ation wants to be free," let something loose in a way that will facilitate its flow. Post it online in ... Steven Raymond, "[How To Ask Questions The Smart Way]("
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ent them from killing the learning process in the way that grades normally do. Bounties will be compil... g of the text and builds on it in some thoughtful way. If you're marking that a certain passage seems i... your own words. If the passage rubs you the wrong way, explain what you think the author is trying to s... ack that addresses the week's topic in a creative way, reflecting technical ingenuity (though not neces
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Jay Gould. Gould, who died this May at sixty, always dated his conversion to paleontology to his enco... h "On the Origin of Species" into print. Darwin always called his book an "abstract" of an intended muc... lier as it sounds. Evolutionary biologists have always believed that the fossil record is abysmally bad... peciate. The best of this evidence is no farther away than the corn on your plate or the Chihuahua on y
5 Hits, Last modified:
media environment. This course unveils the hidden ways in which our media lives intersect with people an economies in distant places. Understand the ways in which politics, cultures, business models, an... e duration should be well planned to be used in a way that is both appealing and informative. Each pres... conomic forces, and political powers? * In what ways does the outlet disclose the contextual forces a
4 Hits, Last modified:
ration and circulation of knowledge. It is not always immediately obvious what is and isn't a peer-rev... p)" (Angelo State University library) A key takeaway: There is no one universal way to determine whether something is peer reviewed, but with some practice... esults will be peer reviewed, but most will be. Always be sure to check yourself (such as by reading th
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o speak, and it influences our society in immense ways. Yet we are often taught not to think, discuss, ... xperience and study are, too. We will learn about ways in which people have tried to think through and ... the discussion. ### 3. Mid-term exam About halfway through the course, students will be tested on th
syntax @wiki
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d. ===== Links ===== DokuWiki supports multiple ways of creating links. ==== External ==== External... re recognized, too. DokuWiki supports multiple ways of creating links. External links are recognized... ompletely empty as shown above. Be sure to have always the same amount of cell separators! Vertical ta
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n (including text, video, or other media) in some way that connects the readings; engagement with the c... s and Journalism_ (Routledge, 2010) * Donna Haraway, "[Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in F... Perspective](,%20Situated%20Knowledges.pdf)," _Feminist Studies
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group behavior. Students should expect to come away with an enlarged perspective on social media, inc... ed social network that connects people in a novel way ### Art and memes _Humans_: "[Art](https://open
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address various topics, or they can connect in a way that builds toward the final project. Interventi... ity * Describe the partner collaboration underway and the structure of accountability with the part
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least one person (outside the CU community) whose way of life or livelihood has been threatened by the ... 023) * Constance Grady, "[How Does Elon Musk Get Away with It All?](
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network charts, or whatever else best suits your ways of thinking. Notebooks may be in any persistent... nal contribution to our shared discourse. In this way, in addition to our explorations of the topics at
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_New Media & Society_ (March 8, 2024) * Donna Haraway, "[A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and S...," in _Simians, Cyborgs and Wo
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ion systems, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. A good way to identify the appropriate one is to go to the w
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eting during the semester, develop an imaginative way to lead the discussion of the week's assigned mat
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