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itself.*---Mercer in Dave Eggers, _The Circle_ (2013) ## What is this course about? Are we all hacke... ding-Freedom.pdf)_ (Princeton University Press, 2013) * Tsutomu Shimomura, "[Catching Kevin](http://... ding-Freedom.pdf)_ (Princeton University Press, 2013) * Jim Hamerly and Tom Paquin with Susan Walton... abi/readings/nakamura.html)," in _Works and Days_ 13 (1995) * Leonie Maria Tanczer, "[Hacktivism and
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Events](," _Vox_ (February 13, 2024) * Russ Roberts, "[Nassim Nicholas Taleb on... s:// (B.W. Huebsch, 1913) * Wendy Schultz, "[A Brief History of Futures](h... 129607/Williams_and_Srnicek._Accelerate_.pdf)" (2013) * Ruha Benjamin, "[Introduction: Discriminatory
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itself.*---Mercer in Dave Eggers, _The Circle_ (2013) ## What is this course about? Are we all hacke... -a-manifesto-the-10-things-all-manifestos-need/372135/) that introduces your hacker philosophy to the ... ding-Freedom.pdf)_ (Princeton University Press, 2013) **Exploit: Make a remix.** Take something out i... ding-Freedom.pdf)_ (Princeton University Press, 2013) **Exploit: Practice the craft of self-optimizat
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nt, University of Massachusetts Amherst (November 13, 2018) * Ursula K. Le Guin, "[The Day Before th... feedback due by Wednesday; no Intervention.* ### 13. Final reflections Choose an historical example
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nomic History](," _Journal of Economic History_ 7, no. 2 ... 7)," _American Behavioral Scientist_ (2022) #### 13. Disrupting time * Niles Eldredge and Stephen Ja... nt, University of Massachusetts Amherst (November 13, 2018) #### 14. Disruption Fantasies * David Ed... // (Minor Compositions, 20
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nomic History](," _Journal of Economic History_ 7, no. 2 ... neurship](, _Organization_ 12, no. 2 (2005) *... m/doi/full/10.1177/1536504214558209)," _Contexts_ 13, no. 4 (2014) ### Leverage (10/28) * Ferrier an
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er 4 * Project 1 presentations * September 13 * _Globalization and Media_: Chapter 5 * ... /what-people-mean-when-they-talk-about-the-cloud/413758/)," _The Atlantic_ (November 4, 2015) * "[... October 11: NO CLASS - Group meetings * October 13: NO CLASS - Group meetings * October 18 * ... ]( (2013) - it's cheaper and more fun together! * Read
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zing Force of Fear](," in Kelly McBride a... ds.), _The New Ethics of Journalism_ (CQ Press, 2013) ### Business models Spend a reasonable amount... nterns-minimum-wage)," _Pro Publica_ (August 2, 2013) ### The commons Are you a commoner? Here are ... (," in Szoka, Berin and Marcus, Adam, eds., _Th
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omplete, anonymized draft of your paper.* **Week 13**: TBD **Week 14**: Conference *At the start of