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e submission of essentially the same work for two courses without the prior permission of the instructor.
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Dave Eggers, _The Circle_ (2013) ## What is this course about? Are we all hackers now? This course plays with a kind of identity that began among geeky tinkerer... esent, and science-fiction of the Internet. This course includes assigned sources, class discussions, gue... two software platforms to carry out work for the course: * **[Canvas](** i
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tioners ourselves. The central challenge of this course is to develop a working theory of how social chan... and to exercise adventuresome thinking. Over the course of the semester, a student's Interventions may ad... ipation in all sessions is an expectation for the course. Full or partial absences from class, due to circ... ophisticated grasp of the themes and texts of the course. In particular, projects should convey an analysi
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# Hypothesis Several of my courses require the use of the [Hypothesis annotation platform](http://hypothe
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// policy, the [Student Code of Co... ents enrolled in a University of Colorado Boulder course are responsible for knowing and adhering to the H... mitting the same or similar work in more than one course without permission from all course instructors involved, and aiding academic dishonesty. All incidents o
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on't ask for general, broad information about the course or assignments—save that for an in-person discuss... too. If appropriate, mention something about the course or your question that is exciting your enthusiasm
9 Hits, Last modified:
Introduction to Social Media **MDST 1002** This course introduces students to concepts for better unders... TA will have a section of students throughout the course. Take the opportunity to get to know your TA, as ... g weekends, holidays, or evenings. ## Nodes The coursework includes four equally weighted components. Th... their lowest quiz grade dropped at the end of the course. ### Quests (25%) Each week before class on Tue
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that outlines and analyzes a project or proposed course of action, generally intended for limited circula
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ns of our time, and who wound up disrupted? This course is a hands-on exploration of disruption as a prac... p in media economies ## The business model The course consists of six evaluated components; three are c... ### Phase one: Report *20 percent* Early in the course, each student produces a brief, researched report... ent]] with at least two assigned sources from the course ### Phase two: Presentation *20 percent* The se
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g is distracting to me and to fellow students. Of course, emergencies happen, and we understand if they do
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These pages contain course materials developed by [Nathan Schneider at the University of Colorado Boulder]
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e implications for broader political culture. The course will also guide students through the process of d... blishing ## Components The architecture of this course seeks to cultivate a scholarly community around a set of shared questions. The course consists of three concurrent processes: our meeti... atible with absence. One or two absences over the course of the semester are acceptable, but please discus
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the economies that underlie our connections? This course will undertake a journey into the practice and th... trepreneurship and teamwork ## Expectations ### Coursework Throughout the semester, each student will (as a percentage of the total course grade): * Each week, turn in on Canvas before ... one in-person meeting with instructor during the course, by appointment **(5%)** If you cannot attend a
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# Engagement with assigned sources My courses frequently require engagement with assigned sources. Let me... on with the texts and other media assigned in the course syllabus. Think of it as an open-book quiz. I do
syntax @wiki
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ic//, __underlined__ and ''monospaced'' texts. Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** all these. Dok... //, __underlined__ and ''monospaced'' texts. Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** all these. You c... wiki-128.png }} {{ wiki:dokuwiki-128.png }} Of course, you can add a title (displayed as a tooltip by m
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