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11 Hits, Last modified:
on specific quotations and ideas that you want to discuss. ### Interventions (30%) Most weeks, students t... tted digitally as a new thread in the appropriate discussion topic for each week's unit. They should amount... ns on Canvas. They will also help guide our class discussions each week. ### Class discussions (30%) Students should be active participants and make contributions
8 Hits, Last modified:
ecoming one and reflecting on our practice. As we discuss critical and primary readings on media, democracy... * Practice participating a lively community of discussion and debate, and making significant media inter... r comments (at most one post per week) in the D2L discussion (including text, video, or other media) in som... ticipant, through listening and speaking, in oral discussions during class time. * adhere to the [[agreem
6 Hits, Last modified:
et. This course includes assigned sources, class discussions, guest speakers, and a significant component ... the Web. Each week we'll use this to annotate and discuss the assigned sources. ### Bounties Grades are n... oo. Students are responsible for contributing to discussions both in class and through online annotations.... * Critical thinking and prolificacy in online discussions (15 points) #### Class discussions Plan to
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ation * Be an active participant in every class discussion and demonstrate thoughtful [[engagement with a... semester, develop an imaginative way to lead the discussion of the week's assigned materials **(10%)** *... ot attend a class meeting on a given week, please discuss the reason ahead of time with the instructor. Oth... respectful, mature, convivial community based on discussion, accommodation, and attention * Adhere to al
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rnet. This course includes assigned texts, class discussions, guest speakers, and a significant component ... nternet. Each week we'll use this to annotate and discuss the assigned texts. ### Objective 0: Contribute ... le for contributing to both meatspace and virtual discussions. No attendance will be taken in class. Howeve... to have completed the assigned texts for in-class discussion. Be ready to raise insights and questions from
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mense ways. Yet we are often taught not to think, discuss, or even notice it. This course will teach the op... selves. ### Objectives * Through reading and discussion, we will grasp a broad overview of the history... contribute their thoughts and experiences to the discussion. Good questions are more valuable than answer... gins so as to be a basis for contributions to the discussion. ### 3. Mid-term exam About halfway through
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n addition to its readings, lectures, guests, and discussions, this course invites us to probe and reflect ... respectful, mature, convivial community based on discussion, accommodation, and attention * seek to addr... 100. ### Participation Participation in class discussions means active involvement as both a contributo... tion includes: * Contributing and listening to discussions, demonstrating thoughtful, critical engagemen
3 Hits, Last modified:
course of the semester are acceptable, but please discuss with the instructor if any more are necessary. #... tive, critical, and original contributions to the discussion (10 points) * Respectful listening to other me... ng together, to be determined based on our shared discussions and how the political season proceeds. **Wee
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percent* All students should contribute to class discussions as active listeners, question-askers, comment... on is not compatible with absence. Be prepared to discuss each week's assigned materials by the start of th... ampus. Within 24 hours after each event, submit a discussion post in Canvas about your experience there. Wi
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fashion * Constructive contribution to the class discussion in replies * Evidence of comprehension of, and... vary as we evaluate the priorities of our shared discussion. ### The missing how-to (25%) Around the mid... ee per student. Submit proposals in the dedicated discussion on Canvas. Each week additionally includes an
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ow roughly a common pattern: * Lecture and class discussions (classes #1-2) * In-class reflection time on ... * Insightful comments or questions during class discussion * Impressive sharing of coursework * Helpful f... ut use of screen devices during lecture and class discussions. They can be useful for collaboration and acc
2 Hits, Last modified:
appointment. These meetings are an opportunity to discuss the ideas and motivations surrounding the interns... having such a handbook for their purposes, we can discuss adjusting the assignment to help it better suit t
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respectful, mature, convivial community based on discussion, accommodation, and attention. * When proble... r's privacy. Content shared in class or in online discussions will not be shared with anyone outside of the
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mpus. Please know your instructor is available to discuss these issues with you. Campus resources include:
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rience: * Before you come to class, for use as discussion notes, consider printing off the most recent a
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