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3 Hits, Last modified:
. Expressing someone else's ideas in your own way does not make them yours. * *Common knowledge.* In a... When in doubt about whether to identify a source, either cit... he source or consult your instructor. --- *This document draws substantially from the syllabus state
45 Hits, Last modified:
d some inverted zone, some mirror world where the dorkiest shit in the world is completely dominant. The world has dorkified itself.*---Mercer in Dave Eggers, _The Circle_ (2013) ## What is this... cker culture helped form our technological lives? Do hacker formations like Wikileaks, Anonymous, and
12 Hits, Last modified:
ctives * Cultivate habits of media activism by doing it through passionate, strategic, pragmatic ad... to complete the weekly reading assignments. This does not necessarily mean microscopic reading of every page, but it does mean engaging rigorously with portions of parti... te to the student's social-change goals. Projects do not need to be publicly released, but they should
2 Hits, Last modified:
n its relevance to the internship experience. How does the book resonate (or not) with your experience so far? Does anything you have experienced contradict the cl
4 Hits, Last modified:
is an attempt to simulate a layer of the web that doesn't otherwise exist, the technical implementatio... gged in, or[your username]. * Don't try to highlight **PDFs that are embedded insi... n your browser (either from a dedicated URL or by downloading it to your computer first), and annotati... .is analytics tool. Currently, however, it only includes annotations, not replies, and doesn't export.
14 Hits, Last modified:
n close contact with someone who has COVID-19 but do not have any symptoms and have not tested positive for COVID-19, you do not need to stay home but should follow the [guid... ility Services determines accommodations based on documented disabilities in the academic environment.... ulder recognizes that students' legal information doesn't always align with how they identify. Student
5 Hits, Last modified:
ory an ownerless, anarchistic, open protocol that doesn't rely on any one company or entity to make it... ng the details for an in-person conversation. * **Do your homework**. Before asking a question about t... ision as you can what you're having trouble with. Don't ask for general, broad information about the c... rite outside normal working hours, in particular, do not expect an immediate response. In general, ass
18 Hits, Last modified:
s in social media and media studies * Analyze and document in detail an existing social network * Appl... f interface for questions and concerns. TAs will do their best to get back to you within two business... round the midterm, students will produce a README document about a social network—a "missing manual" t... mercial tools are designed to be used without any documentation. But what do we lose when we don't rea
3 Hits, Last modified:
# Whitepaper A whitepaper is a kind of document little-used in academia but much more common in busin... policy contexts. It is a semi-formal, persuasive document that outlines and analyzes a project or pro... ew-york-times-innovation-report-is-one-of-the-key-documents-of-this-media-age/) - a 2014 internal repo
10 Hits, Last modified:
in contemporary business culture. What, exactly, do entrepreneurs, investors, and Internet evangelist... tely (and creatively) in the guise of an official document from the organization. Evaluation criteria ... lass confidential unless permission is granted to do otherwise * Be present in our interactions togeth... airs/deanofstudents) and, if you feel comfortable doing so, your instructor. We will work to assist yo
5 Hits, Last modified:
o make my own expectations explicit, so that they don't become barriers to anyone's success in the cla... //—far worse than they think they are. Do yourself a favor and focus on class while in clas... er what your body and mind might need in order to do that. Coming and going is distracting to me and t
4 Hits, Last modified:
onstructive feedback for peers is a powerful art. Doing it well means giving the gift of a new perspec... ur reading matches the creator's intent. * What do you think is working best about the draft? Choose... why you're making that choice. * What audience do you think the creator aiming to reach, and to wha... help or hinder persuading that audience? How well does the draft accord with the rules or norms of the
18 Hits, Last modified:
* Paper notebook\* * A folder of word-processor documents or simple plain-text files (e.g., .md, .tx... mplenote\* * Wiki platforms, such as BookStack\*, DokuWiki\*, Notion, Roam Research, Zim\* Asterisks ... lass confidential unless permission is granted to do otherwise * Be present in our interactions togeth... airs/deanofstudents) and, if you feel comfortable doing so, your instructor. We will work to assist yo
11 Hits, Last modified:
theory of media entrepreneurship, introducing the dominant norms of entrepreneurial cultures, together... ) ## Objectives * Gain fluency in the idioms of dominant entrepreneurial cultures * Develop a repert... lass confidential unless permission is granted to do otherwise * Refrain from the use of [[screen de... airs/deanofstudents) and, if you feel comfortable doing so, your instructor. We will work to assist yo
4 Hits, Last modified:
rse syllabus. Think of it as an open-book quiz. I do this so that more artificial evaluations like exa... urpose to be achieved, I want to see that you can do the following: * **Summarize** a central idea of... * *Relying too heavily on quotations*. If all you do is quote the source, I will not know that you act... er outlines an idea in order to argue against it, do not act as if that idea is the writer's own point
12 Hits, Last modified:
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15 Hits, Last modified:
dokuwiki @wiki
59 Hits, Last modified:
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syntax @wiki
84 Hits, Last modified: