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5 Hits, Last modified:
evaluation in this course will be on the basis of evidence of striving toward excellence and growth. Everyon... lects themes explored in classroom discussion * Evidence of at least three in-person encounters with the c... ncounters and the voices of community members * Evidence of outside research using scholarly books or jour... On-time completion of the agreed-upon project * Evidence of deep engagement with at least two topics or th
4 Hits, Last modified:
contribution to the class discussion in replies * Evidence of comprehension of, and [[engagement_with_assign... concepts covered so far in the course textbook * Evidence of impressive independent research in both the vi... tch should: * Identify a problem, supported with evidence * Propose a solution to it, along with why we sho... * Originality and plausibility of the proposal * Evidence of impressive outside research, with at least ten
3 Hits, Last modified:
assigned texts, demonstrating direct quotations, evidence of close reading, and thoughtful analysis * Int... an explicit theory of change * Include strong evidence of background research, engaging relevant primary... ity partner, such as through testimonies or other evidence of their participation * Present a promising
3 Hits, Last modified:
xplanation of what qualifies it as disruptive * Evidence of self-directed research beyond assigned materia... xplanation of what qualifies it as disruptive * Evidence of self-directed research beyond assigned materia... nts and questions that advance the conversation * Evidence of listening to others * [[engagement with assign
3 Hits, Last modified:
ry of punctuated equilibrium was at odds with the evidence, unsalvageably so. There was simply no reason to ... to change unless they speciate. The best of this evidence is no farther away than the corn on your plate or... other evolutionary forces when you're looking at evidence from the natural world. An increase in the percen
2 Hits, Last modified:
a particular intervention, supported by data and evidence from reliable sources, including both assigned re... ons * Demonstrate, with persuasive and reliable evidence, why your proposal is in the best interests of th
1 Hits, Last modified:
aterials * Complete draft ready for peer review * Evidence of revision and participation in peer review ##
1 Hits, Last modified:
explanation of the Exploit along with supporting evidence * Creative implementation that develops skills
1 Hits, Last modified:
he assigned materials, in several paragraphs with evidence of close examination * Be an active participant
1 Hits, Last modified:
ity of argument * Support of argument through evidence, documented in the text and through hyperlinks