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6 Hits, Last modified:
holidays, or evenings. ## Nodes The coursework includes four equally weighted components. These all revo... lass quizzes (25%) Class meetings will generally include a short quiz. It will present questions about the... l be evaluated to ensure that, collectively, they include: * Completion of the Quest in a thoughtful and c... ify a specific intended audience. Audiences might include parents, younger siblings, a competing business,
4 Hits, Last modified:
and science-fiction of the Internet. This course includes assigned sources, class discussions, guest speak... er media. If your media are not self-explanatory, include a [README]( ... out one side of a sheet of paper. Just be sure to include [[engagement with assigned sources|engagement wit... s:// This project includes a built-in debugging and revision process, as we
syntax @wiki
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---- ===== Images and Other Files ===== You can include external and internal [[doku>images]] with curly ... ured and extended. Here is an overview of Smileys included in DokuWiki: * 8-) %% 8-) %% * 8-O %% 8-... a smiley ;-)%%. ===== Code Blocks ===== You can include code blocks into your documents by either indenti... name of the language syntax to be highlighted is included inside the tag, e.g. ''<nowiki><code java></nowi
4 Hits, Last modified:
and science-fiction of the internet. This course includes assigned texts, class discussions, guest speaker... sunrise on Saturday morning. Each Exploit should include a README text that explains the nature and ration... Open_format) you like. But the README text should include a full explanation and rationale. Exploits need n... s:// This project includes a built-in debugging and revision process. ###
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e and contribute. For all students, participation includes: * Contributing and listening to discussions,... pealing and informative. Each presentation should include: * Confident, eloquent articulation of the mat... uestions that a presentation might seek to answer include: * Where were its various parts constructed, a... ld. Questions a presentation might seek to answer include: * What patterns did you notice over the cours
3 Hits, Last modified:
00. Articles should follow APA style. They should include some approximation of the these sections (which c... ced with a brief abstract of up to 150 words, not included in the main word count. Each paper should emplo... he relevant literature, including references (not included in the word count). *Complete draft* (5 points)
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the context of an explicit theory of change * Include strong evidence of background research, engaging ... y represents the intended scope and quality * Include an updated project statement with the same specif... or circulation, audience, and social change * Include a project statement that meets the same specifica
2 Hits, Last modified:
the Honor Code. Violations of the Honor Code may include but are not limited to: plagiarism (including use... rning and living life to the fullest. These might include strained relationships, anxiety, exploring identi
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d. While comments on others' annotations are not included in post data on the public site, they are access... analytics tool. Currently, however, it only includes annotations, not replies, and doesn't export.
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taking place. Examples of incumbent organizations include large corporations, governance agencies, and cult... in Canvas about your experience there. With this, include proof of participation (such as a photo of yourse
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ocess of developing a final project. This project includes not only a finished product but also the process... en part of your past experience. The essay should include: * An exploration of a particular aspect of th
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# Screen Devices Screen devices include laptops, tablets, phones, smartwatches, and other machines with sc
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in the learning process. Academic dishonesty also includes, but is not limited to, providing false or misle
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lasses with diverse earlier experiences, and that includes different expectations about class behavior. As
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o discuss these issues with you. Campus resources include: * [The Dean of Students website](https://www.
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