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eciprocity (9/30) * Ferrier and Mays: "[Business Models for Content & Technology Ventures](https://press... dia-innovation-and-entrepreneurship/part/business-models-for-content-technology-ventures/)" * Juliet B. S... rofitism (10/14) * Ferrier and Mays: "[Nonprofit Model Development](" * Andrea Smith, "[Introduction: Th
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tt, "[The Code School-Industrial Complex](," _Model View Culture_ (January 21, 2015) * Paul Ford, "... , "[The Dehumanizing Myth of Meritocracy](," _Model View Culture_ (May 19, 2015) **Exploit: Submit a
2 Hits, Last modified: * []( * _[Model View Culture]( * [Schneier on Security]( *
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epreneurship in media economies ## The business model The course consists of six evaluated components;... ictexts/eldredge.pdf)," in Schopf, T.J.M. (ed.), _Models in Paleobiology_ (Freeman Cooper, 1972) * Walida
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of his retreat to orthodoxy by claiming that his model was fairly traditional all along. He was, he says... al" biological theory. But this won't do. Gould's model of speciation was far from conventional. And his
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nd the ways in which politics, cultures, business models, and conflicts shape the media we encounter—and ... otprint, and what does it hide? * What business models support its development, and who benefits most f
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ssions in the course, such as democracy, economic models, ethics, and perspective, including reference to... cs of Journalism_ (CQ Press, 2013) ### Business models Spend a reasonable amount of time exploring the
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es * Analysis of the platform's history, business model, and ownership * Thoughtful, explicit engagement
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work * Helpful feedback on other students' work * Modeling leadership, support, or mentorship The instru