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14 Hits, Last modified:
to meet them. We will use two platforms to carry out our work for the course: * **[Canvas](https://... duled meetings will help you get the most you can out of the course, and absence is not particularly co... is to take great notes on Hypothesis, print them out from your profile page, and bring them to class. ... stiff for a big computer company trying to figure out how to capitalize on it. In any case, with clear
11 Hits, Last modified:
lor of blood: as Lewontin and others have pointed out, blood looks red when it carries oxygen, but sure... well known within science as his popular work was outside. For his ideas represent the most serious cha... mission, the "most arrogant of literati," and his outsized confidence seemed to provoke an escalation i... ice. There's only one way to prevent this washing-out: populations must not only adapt but speciate. Fo
9 Hits, Last modified:
e expected to use two software platforms to carry out work for the course: * **[Canvas](https://canv... t annotations on each week's readings, print them out, and bring them to class. Also, be ready for a m... duled meetings will help you get the most you can out of the course, and absence is not particularly co... stiff for a big computer company trying to figure out how to capitalize on it. In any case, with clear
8 Hits, Last modified:
ists of five parts, each worth 20 possible points out of a total of 100. ### Participation Participa... ou are part of a media organization that is based outside the United States, and make an argument to a ... an experience of ongoing engagement with a non-US outlet with content that changes at least daily. Form a group that wants to focus on a particular outlet—a newspaper, a television network, a website,
5 Hits, Last modified:
r to what it is, how to use it, and what to watch out for. A README is an old-fashioned file that comes... rly used yourself* from the provided list. Try it out, and learn everything you can about it. Produce a... sibility of the proposal * Evidence of impressive outside research, with at least ten sources---includi... YDFYXQAmYuXtsBAfaDLo47Im-Kk/edit#) (2019) Quest: Outline an original social-media activist campaign to
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ime. * adhere to the [[agreements]] that we set out jointly in class. ### Midterm project For this ... Users’ Emotions in News Feed Experiment, Stirring Outcry]( h-users-emotions-in-news-feed-experiment-stirring-outcry.html)," _The New York Times_ (June 2, 2014) M... unications Forum_ * Michael Eric Dyson, "[Think Out Loud](
4 Hits, Last modified:
# Internships This page provides a general outline of what I expect for a successful student internshi... pervise at CU Boulder. The details will be worked out on a case-by-case basis. ## Learning objectives ... m, you will turn in a handbook about how to carry out the internship for their successor in the role. I... f deadlines and meeting times for the entire term, and expect to carry out your work without reminders.
syntax @wiki
4 Hits, Last modified:
* simply displays "Hello World!" to the standard output. */ class HelloWorldApp { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); //Display the string. ... how DokuWiki renders a page without creating any output it self. The following control macros are avai... created | | %%~~NOCACHE~~%% | DokuWiki caches all output by default. Sometimes this might not be wanted
3 Hits, Last modified:
ords: substituting an occasional synonym, leaving out or adding an occasional modifier, rearranging the... outputs than what a skilled human would create. AI outputs are often factually incorrect or misleading. Th
3 Hits, Last modified:
or problem related to the week's texts and b) an outline for an original strategy that addresses it. I... tions need not be realistic for students to carry out; students may imagine themselves as representing ... in class or online will not be shared with anyone outside of the class without permission. * We adher
3 Hits, Last modified:
e text and argue your case persuasively * Point out some respect in which the text sheds light on som... d the voices of community members * Evidence of outside research using scholarly books or journal art... spectus**, agreed on with the instructor, briefly outlining the topic and medium * **Draft** of the c
2 Hits, Last modified:
ach student should interview at least one person (outside the CU community) whose way of life or liveli... of the course, students produce a [[whitepaper]] outlining an original proposal for a disruption invol
2 Hits, Last modified:
ts. It is a semi-formal, persuasive document that outlines and analyzes a project or proposed course of... 64 report by Paul Baran for the RAND Corporation, outlining the basic protocol for what would become th
2 Hits, Last modified:
ast two. Plan for considerable collaboration time outside of class. Groups of students will produce a [[whitepaper]] outlining the structure, function, and economy of the
2 Hits, Last modified:
ere? ## Objectives * What do we hope to come out of the course with? * Are there applications fo... d and accept the expectations for our conduct set out by the university? * How do we change these agr
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dokuwiki @wiki
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