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tell stories of change that invite people to take part in changing the world? Our work will consist of c... our own practice in collaboration with community partners. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider (he/him) ... edia intervention in collaboration with community partners ## Expectations As a foundation for all els... it does mean engaging rigorously with portions of particular interest, as well as familiarizing oneself
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uctor Evaluation for the course consists of five parts, each worth 20 possible points out of a total of 100. ### Participation Participation in class discussions means active involvement as both a contributor and a liste... ir comfort zone and contribute. For all students, participation includes: * Contributing and listenin
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th evidence of close examination * Be an active participant in every class discussion and demonstrate ... with the instructor. Otherwise it will affect the participation grade. #### Whitepaper project The cor... draft in time for [[:peer review]] **(15%)** * Participation in peer review of two fellow students' s... due on the last day of class **(50%)** * Group participation, based on anonymous feedback from collab
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media intervention. ## Objectives * Practice participating a lively community of discussion and deb... culture is strongly encouraged. * be an active participant, through listening and speaking, in oral d... dia campaign of your choosing, individually or as part of a group. Your analysis should be written so as... e sort that attempts to make an intervention in a particular audience. You might create, for instance: a
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through online annotations. Annotations and class participation will be evaluated twice in the semester-... e will be taken in class. However, showing up and participating in all scheduled meetings will help you ... ost you can out of the course, and absence is not particularly compatible with participation. Bounty rubric: * Geeky enthusiasm, insight, and attention to
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e will be taken in class. However, showing up and participating in all scheduled meetings will help you ... ost you can out of the course, and absence is not particularly compatible with participation. Most weeks will follow a common pattern: * **The first meetin... t fellow students may or may not choose to use as part of their own Exploits. Each presentation should b
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c community is our time together twice each week. Participation is essential to cultivating a successful community, and participation is not compatible with absence. One or t... cessary. #### Evaluation **20 points** *Active participation.* Engage in thoughtful participation in class through: * Constructive, critical, and origina
7 Hits, Last modified:
ce. "The Structure" 's mammoth dimensions are due partly to its range--it surveys both the history of ev... nary thought and Gould's contributions to it--and partly to Gould's remarkably undisciplined prose. A sp... alf of "The Structure of Evolutionary Theory," is particularly impressive. As a rule, though, it's not f... (idea one) and speciation (idea two). The theory part of punctuated equilibrium was thereby gutted. But
6 Hits, Last modified:
a violation of the campus Honor Code. ### Class participation *10 percent* All students should contri... ndance will not be taken formally, but meaningful participation is not compatible with absence. Be prepa... terials ### Entrepreneurial events *10 percent* Part of the course is participation in two synchronous events in the Boulder entrepreneurial community---at
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grades will be calculated as follows: * Class participation - 20% * Adventuresome thinking - 20% ... first draft * 1/2 final draft ### 1. Class participation Students are expected to attend and participate in every class meeting. Recognizing that we e... nter with a religious community that has not been part of your past experience. The essay should include
4 Hits, Last modified:
to see how we’re not passive consumers but active participants in reimagining the present and future of ... no final project or exam. ### Kudos (40%) Class participation will be evaluated with the aid of a cont... ready for peer review * Evidence of revision and participation in peer review ## Agreements * This sy... ifesto/ch02.htm)," in _Manifesto of the Communist Party_, trans. Samuel Moore (Progress Publishers, 1969
3 Hits, Last modified:
y. Understanding the course's syllabus is a vital part in adhering to the Honor Code. All incidents of ... (harassment, exploitation, and assault), intimate partner violence (dating or domestic violence), stalki... 488-7386 or text START to 678678 * Mental Health Partners Drop-In Crisis Center (Open 24x7):  3180 Airp
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your own words matters much more. * *Interpreting part of the source out of context*. If a writer outlin... hat idea is the writer's own point. Make sure to interpret any part of the source in light of the whole.
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y seem lazy, which will encourage laziness on the part of the recipient. * **Be brief**. Too many people... T!" If you write outside normal working hours, in particular, do not expect an immediate response. In ge
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ents. These all revolve around the expectation of participation in class sessions. ### In-class quizzes... osts on This consists of two parts: * Complete the Quest, which is specified in ea
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syntax @wiki
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