Fulltext results:
- digital_culture_and_politics
- if any more are necessary. #### Evaluation **20 points** *Active participation.* Engage in thoughtful ... and original contributions to the discussion (10 points) * Respectful listening to other members of the class and feedback on fellow students' ideas (10 points) Participation will be evaluated twice—once at ... ebook might consist of a prose reflection, bullet points, annotated pictures, network charts, or whatever
- hacker_culture_s2018
- of the course is as follows: * Objective 0: 25 points * impressive listening and contributions in class discussion (10 points) * impressive critical thinking and prolificacy in online annotations (10 points) * geeky enthusiasm in both (5 points) * Objective 1: 30 points * clear explanation along wit
- media_and_the_public
- on Grades will be determined as follows: * 25 points - quality and persistence of in-class participation * 25 points - quality and persistence of participation in online discussions * 20 points - midterm project: * 7 points - first draft and * 3 points - participation in peer review
- hacker_culture
- ounty per day. ### Objective 0: Contribute *25 points* Computers count from zero, so hackers do too. ... hinking and prolificacy in online discussions (15 points) #### Class discussions Plan to have completed... sm, insight, and attention to others in class (10 points) Before this assignment is due, you are welcome... input into account. ### Objective 1: Hack *30 points* Each week, each student should contribute an E
- global_media_literacy
- se consists of five parts, each worth 20 possible points out of a total of 100. ### Participation Part... ence without a documented excuse will result in 3 points detracted from the class participation grade. **20 points** ### Readings The assigned readings and film... oing each other the courtesy of keeping up. **20 points** ### Projects 1 and 2: Presentations A signi
- gould
- , the color of blood: as Lewontin and others have pointed out, blood looks red when it carries oxygen, bu... useum of Natural History, in 1972. Their starting point was simple: trust the fossils. The fossil record,... phically separated populations. But the essential point is that, under this traditional view, speciation ... species. This is species selection. The important point is that this process has nothing to do with Darwi
- media_activism
- the proposal ### Evaluation Based on the stated point structure, grades will be awarded as follows: A (... hen Table Press). * Donella Meadows, "[Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System](http://www.donellameadows.org/archives/leverage-points-places-to-intervene-in-a-system/)," (Donella Mea
- introduction_to_social_media
- ity to get to know your TA, as they are your main point of interface for questions and concerns. TAs wil... lly correct slide deck that illustrates the major points * Originality and plausibility of the proposal *... xtbook. Each substantive improvement is worth one point of course credit, up to a maximum of three per st
- email_etiquette
- nd that students come to college in need of a few pointers on what an effective email looks like. * **Be... place for everyone by keeping your message to the point and saving the details for an in-person conversat
- religion_in_american_life
- in the text and argue your case persuasively * Point out some respect in which the text sheds light on... ing are appropriate. This is not one of them. The point of this class is to learn, engage, and create. Ev
- syntax @wiki
- k text as well: [[http://www.google.com|This Link points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <and... k text as well: [[http://www.google.com|This Link points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <a
- peer_review
- k to the author what you understand their primary point and purpose to be. Be sure to refer to the text o
- campus_resources
- taffairs/deanofstudents) is an excellent starting point for resources available to students * [Free men
- engagement_with_assigned_sources
- t, do not act as if that idea is the writer's own point. Make sure to interpret any part of the source in
- connected_media_practices
- peer feedback. ### Grading Based on the stated point structure, grades will be awarded as follows: A (