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8 Hits, Last modified:
er preliminary, and we'll work on them in class. No attendance will be taken in class. However, showi... d Exploit assignment. Each presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long, with slides. One stude...,"​ _Phrack_ 1, no. 7 (1986) **Exploit: Compose a testimony or mani... ated in an earlier module, or try another, or use no identity at all. This can be online, over various
5 Hits, Last modified:
ilar lapses in [[academic honesty]] can result in no credit for the assignment and referral to campus ...," _Logic(s)_ no. 4 (2018) * Paul Graham, "[Startup = Growth](http... f/2113338.pdf)," _Journal of Economic History_ 7, no. 2 (November 1947) ### Phase two: Disrupted Pha... lifornian_Ideology.pdf)," _Science as Culture_ 6, no. 1 (1996) * Jennifer Brandel, Mara Zepeda, Astrid
3 Hits, Last modified:
a-Chock, _Design Justice_ *Project proposal due; no Intervention.* ### 9. "Narratives" and "Sites" ... s due, and peer review feedback due by Wednesday; no Intervention.* ### 13. Final reflections Choose... oject in light of the case. *Final projects due; no Intervention.* --- [ [[note:media_activism|Note
2 Hits, Last modified:
ilar lapses in [[academic honesty]] can result in no credit for the assignment and referral to campus ... ons I-II**, _Berkeley Technology Law Journal_ 37, no. 2 (2022) Artifact: "[Provisions on the Administ
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563212001926)," _Computers in Human Behavior_ 28, no. 6 (November 2012) * "[One Instructor's Approac