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6 Hits, Last modified:
enters will lead an accessible, interactive [DiscoTech]( exercise for the class, using whatever format... Teach a skill with a well-planned, effective DiscoTech exercise relevant to the week's Exploit (5 points
2 Hits, Last modified:
raphy * Susan Dynarski, "[For Note Taking, Low-Tech is Often Best](," _Useable Knowledge_ from the Harvar
3 Hits, Last modified:
srupting work * Ben Tarnoff, _[The Making of the Tech Worker Movement]( (Logic(s), 2020) * A... g/resources), Sustainable Economies Law Center * [Tech Workers Coalition newsletter](https://news.techwo
9 Hits, Last modified:
ng**, be ready for a more practice-oriented [DiscoTech]( esentation will generally precede the week's DiscoTech, so aim to offer something useful---a skill that ... esentation, student presenters will lead the DiscoTech, using whatever format they like to invite partic... ure (5 points) * well-planned, effective DiscoTech facilitation (5 points) * Objective 3: 25 point