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Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City_ (Wiley, 2012) * Xiaowei R. Wang, "[Letter from Shenzhen](https... t Is Disruptive Innovation?](,” _Harvard Busines... p://" (September 2012) * Daisy Onubogu, "[Underrepresented Founders are... Future](, chapters 4-5 (Crown Currency, 2014) * Cory Doc
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# Hacker Culture **MDST 2012** *it seems to me sometimes I've entered some inverted zone, some mirro... Twentieth Century]( (," in _The ... ocial Media Reader_ (New York University Press, 2012) **Exploit: Create an identity.** Who you appear
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t an analysis in class as your Intervention. ### 12. Glimpses of change * Walidah Imarisha, "[All