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nnotation across the web. It is also specifically focused on supporting academic use. However, because it
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etails/loandbehold_202001)_ (2016) Quest: None---focus on your pitches! --- [ [[note:introduction_to_s
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: * **Be fully present**. Class is a place for focus, not multitasking. Humans are [notoriously bad at... than they think they are. Do yourself a favor and focus on class while in class. It will make the experie... ces]] whenever possible is a good way to aid your focus. * **Avoid coming and going during class**. Ple... ith me or other students, as long as you keep the focus on the ideas, not the person. I also commit to ho
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on. * What kind of revision should the creator focus on? Are high-level, structural changes necessary, or should the creator focus more on smaller-scale adjustments? Pick one of these to focus on, and indicate to the creator why you're making... the relevant genre? * Where would you recommend focusing revision efforts? What are the highest priorit
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on technologies.* In this particular section, we focus on the everyday politics of digital life, in soci... week. In general, we will spend the first session focused on the week's readings, and the second session
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al introduction to media entrepreneurship, with a focus on journalism. Alongside it, we will explore crit
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hanges at least daily. Form a group that wants to focus on a particular outlet—a newspaper, a television