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3 Hits, Last modified:
t introduces your hacker philosophy to the world. Identify yourself any way you like or not at all. Seek to ... **Exploit: Audit your communication practices and identify improvements.** Review some of your regular pract... d safe for a dominant class. Reverse the process. Identify forgotten radicalisms, incite people to re-embrac
1 Hits, Last modified:
a case-by-case basis. ## Learning objectives * Identify a critical, scholarly perspective that can inform
4 Hits, Last modified:
r presented by a specific source, then you should identify the source for those facts. * *Ideas.* If you use... itten work, or some other source, then you should identify the source. You should identify the source for an idea whether or not you agree with the idea. * *Artificia... tation_standards). When in doubt about whether to identify a source, either cite the source or consult your
1 Hits, Last modified:
al information doesn't always align with how they identify. Students may update their preferred names and pr
1 Hits, Last modified:
ough constructive thinking. Your pitch should: * Identify a problem, supported with evidence * Propose a so