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- gould
- ican Association for the Advancement of Science. Then, with odd symmetry, Gould ended his career as he ... ies look unchanged for vast stretches of time and then--suddenly--they morph. Certain species of African... instance, look the same for millions of years and then abruptly change shell shape. The question was why... g a fragmentary record of what allegedly happened then. Gould and Eldredge believed otherwise. They sai
- syntax @wiki
- [doku>config]] file. Hint: If DokuWiki is a link, then it's enabled. * When a section's heading is cha... ernal) that is not an image (''gif, jpeg, png''), then it will be displayed as a link instead. For link... ay we should > Really? >> Yes! >>> Then lets do it! I think we should do it > No we sho... >> Well, I say we should > Really? >> Yes! >>> Then lets do it! ===== Tables ===== DokuWiki support
- introduction_to_social_media
- "cloud" recording with screen sharing on; you can then [share the video directly from Zoom](https://supp... "cloud" recording with screen sharing on; you can then [share the video directly from Zoom](https://supp
- agreements
- ress them collaboratively—first through dialogue, then through revision of these agreements, then through recourse to the instructor or administrators. * We
- academic_honesty
- were developed or presented by a specific source, then you should identify the source for those facts. *... om a lecture, written work, or some other source, then you should identify the source. You should identi
- hacker_culture_s2018
- work together to make the expectations clear, and then it's up to you how and to what degree you'd like ... ss them collaboratively---first through dialogue, then through revision of this document, and only if th
- global_media_literacy
- problems collaboratively—first through dialogue, then through revision of these agreements, then through recourse to the instructor or administrators * adh
- whitepaper
- ation of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency system; since then, whitepapers have been frequently used to introdu
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- "Overtime" ### Phase three: Disruptionism What, then, can we do? #### 10. Disrupting work * Ben Tarn
- religion_in_american_life
- ress themselves clearly on impolite subjects, and then we will try doing so for ourselves. ### Objecti
- media_and_the_public
- s-lives/)," _Breitbart_ (January 2, 2015) ...and then resistance to it: * David Garcia and Geert Lov