Fulltext results:
- academic_honesty
- actively embracing the task of creating original work and crediting the contributions of others. The u... nment, and the submission of essentially the same work for two courses without the prior permission of t... r people, but we must never submit someone else's work as if it were our own, without giving appropriate... ts that you have gotten from a lecture, a written work, or some other source. If the facts are widely kn
- hacker_culture_s2018
- take different forms for different people. We'll work together to make the expectations clear, and then... them. We will use two platforms to carry out our work for the course: * **[Canvas](https://canvas.co... 2012.pdf.zip). Plan to have done some preparatory work on that week's Exploit---the skill we'll be learn... l share our ideas, however preliminary, and we'll work on them in class, so plan to have a screen device
- internships
- critical, scholarly perspective that can inform a work experience * Perform your internship to the satisfaction of your work supervisor * Demonstrate the ability to integrate... eflections do you have on it, whether in terms of work experience or concepts you are reading about? ##... ne academic-press book and one high-quality trade work of journalism or polemic. Within one week of the
- media_activism
- te people to take part in changing the world? Our work will consist of close reading, forming a space of... instructor prior to the due date; otherwise, late work is subject to a penalty of one letter grade per d... e as a substitute for doing your own thinking and work. ## Agreements * We work together to foster a respectful, mature, convivial community based on mutu
- hacker_culture
- pected to use two software platforms to carry out work for the course: * **[Canvas](https://canvas.co... ourse to be legible to the university. Therefore, work will be rewarded with [bounties](https://en.wikip... instructor prior to the due date; otherwise, late work is subject to a penalty of approximately one-tent... l share our ideas, however preliminary, and we'll work on them in class. No attendance will be taken in
- gould
- ions of Jews attempting to flee prewar Europe. In work that culminated in "The Mismeasure of Man," Gould... and mugs.) And Gould did do serious intellectual work. "The Structure of Evolutionary Theory" is his sy... zing about how evolution works. Gould's technical work may have been less visible to his fans, but it was as well known within science as his popular work was outside. For his ideas represent the most ser
- connected_media_practices
- ly improving an existing one. The whole class may work on a single project together, or students may work in groups of at least two. Plan for considerable col... Terms and conditions Together, we agree to: * Work together to foster a respectful, mature, convivia... el comfortable doing so, your instructor. We will work to assist you however we can. ### Calendar All
- religion_in_american_life
- ed absences must be made up through supplementary work, by prior arrangement with the instructor. ### 2... effort to learn and develop and grow through our work together. Recognizing that different people bring... rful, and they will doubtless play a role in your work for this course, but the multitasking that they e... t we're going to be fostering together. * **All work must be original.** There are times where borrowi
- digital_culture_and_politics
- . ### Conference proceedings The shared goal we work toward is to produce a conference and publication... on the media of scholarly communication. You may work individually or in pairs. Pairs will be expected ... # Terms and conditions Together, we agree to: * Work together to foster a respectful, mature, convivia... e use of [[screen devices]] unless for collective work or accessibility, upon agreement with the instruc
- introduction_to_social_media
- epartment with active research agendas. They will work with the instructor on teaching, guiding class ex... f time. They are not obligated to grant one. Late work will be penalized one letter grade per week, begi... e as a substitute for doing your own thinking and work. Based on the stated percentage structure, grade... # Terms and conditions Together, we agree to: * Work together to foster a respectful, mature, convivia
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- # Terms and conditions Together, we agree to: * Work together to foster a respectful, mature, convivia... el comfortable doing so, your instructor. We will work to assist you however we can. ## Topics The co... nism What, then, can we do? #### 10. Disrupting work * Ben Tarnoff, _[The Making of the Tech Worker M
- future_histories_of_technology
- coursework * Helpful feedback on other students' work * Modeling leadership, support, or mentorship Th... ent trends to probable futures The extent of the work will vary by medium, but expect to produce a caps... th its own set of assigned materials and creative work. All materials are accessible digitally at no cos
- email_etiquette
- sn't rely on any one company or entity to make it work. But often I find that students come to college i... are serious about taking responsibility for your work and that your question is in good faith. * **Be p
- global_media_literacy
- g. ### Basics Each student is expected to: * work together to foster a respectful, mature, convivia... o participate in constructively reviewing others' work Turn in the draft you use for peer review and yo
- hypothesis
- o annotate with via.hypothes.is/[URL]; this won't work with web pages or PDFs that are behind paywalls, ... it to your computer first), and annotation should work there. [More information about annotating PDFs he