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10 Hits, Last modified:,%20Situated%20Knowledges.pdf)," _Feminist Studies_ 14, no. 3\. (1988) * Gene... ocacy: * Sherry Baker, “{{:src:baker-pr_ethics.pdf|The Ethics of Advocacy: Moral Reasoning in the Pr...," in Kelly McBride and Tom Rosentiel (eds.), _Th... (New Press, 2008) * Christopher S. Yoo and T
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p:// Plan to have done some preparatory work on ... t/uploads/Turner-Larson-Network-Celebrity-PC-2015.pdf)," _Public Culture_ 27, no. 1 (2015) * Robert G... coTech]( Detroit Digital Justice Coalition 4 (2012) * ... ttp:// (Princeton University Press, 2013) * Tsutomu
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rad Feld, {{:lib:feld-startup_communities-excerpt.pdf|chapters 1-3}} in _Startup Communities: Building ... 4) * Drake Bennett, "{{:lib:christensen-bloomberg.pdf|Clayton Christensen Responds to New Yorker Takedo... in Economic History](," _Journal of Economic History_ 7, no. 2 (November 1947) ### Phase two: Disrupted Phase
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cuments/le-guin-the-carrier-bag-theory-of-fiction.pdf)" (1986) * Julian Bleeker, "[Design Fiction: A Sh...," Near Future Laboratory (March 2009) * Amelia W... ://," _b2o_ 4, no. 2 (2019) ### Prediction * Lisa ... edu/~raphals/pubs/2009%20Power%20and%20Prediction.pdf)" (2009) * Jenny Andersson, "[The Future of the W
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/sites/default/files/librarypdfs/how-to-discotech.pdf) exercise for the class, using whatever format th... rsity Press, 2020): {{:lib:mcilwain-blacksoftware.pdf|28-43, 55-58}} * The Mentor, "[The Conscience o... ttp:// (Princeton University Press, 2013) **Exploit: ... nt/uploads/2012/08/Coleman-Phreaks-Hackers-Trolls.pdf)," in _The Social Media Reader_ (New York Univers
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in Economic History](," _Journal of Economic History_ 7, no. 2 (November 1947) * Campbell Jones and André Spice... and%20sociability%20Schor%20and%20Attwood-Charles.pdf)," _Sociology Compass_ 11 (2017) * Yochai Benkler
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/downloads/twitter-and-tear-gas-by-zeynep-tufekci.pdf)_ (Yale University Press, 2017) * Sasha Costanz... ters_Tools_Will_Never_Dismantle_the_Masters_House.pdf)," in Cherrie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua (eds.), ... ernship-readings/freire-pedagogy-of-the-oppressed.pdf)_ (Continuum, 2005 [1970]) * Marshall Ganz, "[P... 4925/Public_Narrative_Collective_Action_and_Power.pdf)," in Sina Odugbemi and Taeku Lee (eds.), _Accoun
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e video (a playable link) and the bibliography (a PDF). The recommended strategy for creating your vide... oth the video (a playable link) and the slides (a PDF). The recommended strategy for creating your vide... e](," in _Yearning: Race, Gender, and Cultural Polit... /upload/SiteAttachments/Chinas-New-AI-Regulations.pdf) Quest: Devise a law that would improve social-m
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d [more biased]( outputs than what a skilled human would create. AI outputs are often f..., which compounds the ethical concerns. You are w
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DFs that are embedded inside webpages**. Open the PDF as a separate file in your browser (either from a... use the Hypothesis extension on a locally-stored PDF. Click on the error indicator on the Hypothesis e
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21) **Week 6**: {{:lib:brennen-qqrmms-donotshare.pdf|Chs. 1-2}} **Week 7**: Choose two chapters to re
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tent/dam/rand/pubs/research_memoranda/2006/RM3420.pdf)" - a 1964 report by Paul Baran for the RAND Corp
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md, .odt, .odp, .png, or .svg. I can also accept .pdf, .docx, .pptx, and .rtf, though be aware that som
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be in any format, but turn them in (on D2L) using PDF or another platform-independent format. The speci