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244 Hits, Last modified:
# Hacker Culture **MDST 2012** *it seems to me sometimes I've entered some inverted zone, some mirror world where the dorkiest shit in the world is completely dominant. T... e Circle_ (2013) ## What is this course about? Are we all hackers now? This course plays with a kind
124 Hits, Last modified:
# Disruptive Entrepreneurship **MDST 2011** *Disruption* has become a hallowed achievement in contemporary business culture. What, exactly, do entrepreneurs, investors, and Internet evangelists mean by the word? What have bee
122 Hits, Last modified:
line social media, the technology and infrastructures that allow them to flourish, and the cultures that grow up through and around them. It explores how social media enables community, how it assembl... nsights into a proposal for a new network or feature ## Instructor Nathan Schneider ("Professor Schn
113 Hits, Last modified:
## Classroom Behavior Both students and faculty are responsible for maintaining an appropriate learning environment in all instructional settings, whether in person, remote or online. Those who fail to adhere to such behavioral standards may be subject to discipline. Pr
107 Hits, Last modified:
MDST 5002** Depending on whom you ask, media-powered activism can sound like either a silver bullet o... ost cause. It's often both at the same time and more in between. Through examining the strategies and tactics of movements, past and present, we'll discover how media can shape social change and how we can become more savvy media practitioners ourselves. The central
37 Hits, Last modified:
wnerless, anarchistic, open protocol that doesn't rely on any one company or entity to make it work. B... like. * **Be cordial**. It's important to signal respect when asking for someone's time and mental energy. Address your email to "Professor ____" (unless you have previously addressed each other more informally), and
37 Hits, Last modified:
ademic honesty I expect that all my students adhere to an ethic of academic honesty: a practice of actively embracing the task of creating original work and crediting the contributions of others. The university [defines](https://www.c... , unauthorized collaboration, falsifying academic records, and any act designed to avoid participating
28 Hits, Last modified:
to meet with me two times: at the beginning to agree on a plan and after turning in the final report. This should ideally occur during my office hours, or by appointment. These meetings are an opportunity to discuss the ideas and motivatio... . A meeting around the midterm assignment is also recommended. Be sure to turn assignments in at leas
25 Hits, Last modified:
nd of document little-used in academia but much more common in business and policy contexts. It is a s... generally intended for limited circulation among readers directly involved in the process at hand. There's some interesting [history of the medium and the term](ht
23 Hits, Last modified:
# Hypothesis Several of my courses require the use of the [Hypothesis annotation platform]( is an open sou... ith the Hypothesis team, and we'll be sharing the results of our experience directly with them for the benefit of future users. First, **create an accoun
13 Hits, Last modified:
# Screen Devices Screen devices include laptops, tablets, phones, smartwatches, and other machines with screens. While many students feel they are necessary in class, these technologies often cause more distrac