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4 Hits, Last modified:
of the Exploits can vary based on the assignment. They might be primarily graphic or primarily textual, ... df) exercise for the class, using whatever format they like to invite participation, collaboration, and ... hreats]( and how they might be mitigated. What do online services you u... t/). Try out a few patches, and determine whether they're worth the trouble. ### 11. Disintermediation
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nt's Interventions may address various topics, or they can connect in a way that builds toward the final... r other media, digital or otherwise. In any case, they must be submitted digitally as a new thread in th... ppropriate discussion topic for each week's unit. They should amount to the equivalent of one interestin... Projects do not need to be publicly released, but they should be plausibly ready for doing so. Accountab
1 Hits, Last modified:
are not included in post data on the public site, they are accessible through [this experimental analyti
6 Hits, Last modified:
' legal information doesn't always align with how they identify. Students may update their preferred nam... esses these concerns, and individuals who believe they have been subjected to misconduct can contact OIE... ructors have a responsibility to inform OIEC when they are made aware of any issues related to these policies regardless of when or where they occurred to ensure that individuals impacted rece
1 Hits, Last modified:
r machines with screens. While many students feel they are necessary in class, these technologies often
5 Hits, Last modified:
the bottom. Emails aren't formal letters, but if they're too conversational, or include bad grammar or punctuation, they seem lazy, which will encourage laziness on the p... r a professor, every email is another few minutes they're not spending on their research or mentorship. ... your passion**. Professors are professors because they're passionate about what they do. We're much more
5 Hits, Last modified:
Studies department with active research agendas. They will work with the instructor on teaching, guidin... . Take the opportunity to get to know your TA, as they are your main point of interface for questions an... k will be evaluated to ensure that, collectively, they include: * Completion of the Quest in a thoughtf... on any assignment, consult your TA ahead of time. They are not obligated to grant one. Late work will be
1 Hits, Last modified:
trum between internal memos and external reports. They are generally not formally published and thus, de