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79 Hits, Last modified:
oor of the American Museum of Natural History, there stood the remains of a tyrannosaurus. Towering ab... hing about these careers, though, was that they were both pursued by the same person: Stephen Jay Goul... ny." Though both received good notices, it was, more than anything, their simultaneity that turned hea... he professional scenes at the same moment. (Far more often, as dotage approaches, a scientist will try
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# Hacker Culture **MDST 2012** *it seems to me sometimes I've entered some inverted zone, some mirror world where the dorkiest shit in the world is completely domi... e Circle_ (2013) ## What is this course about? Are we all hackers now? This course chronicles the st... agement consultants and CEOs. How has hacker culture helped form our technological lives? Do hacker fo
62 Hits, Last modified:
# Hacker Culture **MDST 2012** *it seems to me sometimes I've entered some inverted zone, some mirror world where the dorkiest shit in the world is completely domi... e Circle_ (2013) ## What is this course about? Are we all hackers now? This course plays with a kind... agement consultants and CEOs. How has hacker culture helped form our technological lives? Do hacker fo
46 Hits, Last modified:
readings on media, democracy, and the public sphere, the class will undergo a process together. We will cultivate our own public sphere, setting rules and adjusting them as we go. The midterm and final projects are short exercises in established genres of media in... * Articulate a vision for a democratic public sphere ## Expectations Each student is expected to:
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# Future Histories of Technology *This class explores both literature about future technologies and literary technologies that move across periods, regions, and disciplines. Our cultural and historical approach to future histories of technology will illuminate how race,
34 Hits, Last modified:
# Digital Culture and Politics **MDST 3002** *Examines issues at the intersection of digital media, culture and politics, such as regulation and network architecture, piracy and hacking, and grassroots activism. Eng... of democracy and digital life * Develop and explore an original research question on digital cultures
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nsights into a proposal for a new network or feature ## Instructor Nathan Schneider ("Professor Schn... ) ## Teaching assistants The TAs in this class are accomplished graduate students in the Media Studi... the opportunity to get to know your TA, as they are your main point of interface for questions and co... ou can repeat the quiz in class if you like. Be sure to bring a Canvas-friendly device to class. Quiz
23 Hits, Last modified:
# Connected Media Practices **MDST 5001** What are the economies that underlie our connections? This... nant entrepreneurial cultures * Develop a repertoire for strategic engagement with digital infrastructure * Practice social entrepreneurship and teamwork ... rse grade): * Each week, turn in on Canvas before class time and be prepared to share in class a *C
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ies ## Classroom Behavior Students and faculty are responsible for maintaining an appropriate learni... tings, whether in person, remote, or online. Failure to adhere to such behavioral standards may be subject to discipline. Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals
syntax @wiki
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g as <del>deleted</del> as well. **Paragraphs** are created from blank lines. If you want to **force ... some linebreaks\\ Note that the two backslashes are only recognized at the end of a line\\ or followe... ome linebreaks\\ Note that the two backslashes are only recognized at the end of a line\\ or follo... ating links. ==== External ==== External links are recognized automagically: o
20 Hits, Last modified:
ost cause. It's often both at the same time and more in between. Through examining the strategies and ... a can shape social change and how we can become more savvy media practitioners ourselves. The central... ctations As a foundation for all else, students are expected to complete the weekly reading assignmen... nts turn in an Intervention. These Interventions are simple, informal multimedia sketches that contain
19 Hits, Last modified:
allowed achievement in contemporary business culture. What, exactly, do entrepreneurs, investors, and ... urse consists of six evaluated components; three are consecutive "phases" and three are ongoing. ### Phase one: Report *20 percent* Early in the course,... ument from the organization. Evaluation criteria are as follows: * Completion of the assignment wit
17 Hits, Last modified:
ctor, the university, and one another. Please ensure that you understand it fully, and don't hesitate ... o: * work together to foster a respectful, mature, convivial community based on discussion, accommo... ourse to the instructor or administrators * adhere to all university policies regarding academic int... both a contributor and a listener. Students who are most adept as speakers will be expected to demons
16 Hits, Last modified:
t influences our society in immense ways. Yet we are often taught not to think, discuss, or even notic... of traditions* that have helped define U.S. culture---some you've heard of, some you haven't. We will also explore the *forms of encounter* that are constantly happening between and among them. In this course, reli
12 Hits, Last modified:
unless you have previously addressed each other more informally), and sign off with your name at the bottom. Emails aren't formal letters, but if they're too conversational, or include bad grammar or pun... rofessor, every email is another few minutes they're not spending on their research or mentorship. Hel... -person conversation. * **Do your homework**. Before asking a question about the assignments, expectat
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dokuwiki @wiki
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