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20 Hits, Last modified:
" Though both received good notices, it was, more than anything, their simultaneity that turned heads. S... ff extrapolating from what we can see clearly now than trusting a fragmentary record of what allegedly h... ate. The best of this evidence is no farther away than the corn on your plate or the Chihuahua on your s... he north, for instance, might evolve to be bigger than those in the south because big bodies lose propor
10 Hits, Last modified:
lture is not a spectator sport. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider <> Armory 1B24, meetings by appointment via email Website: []( ## Objectives * Gain familiarity with the varieties of
8 Hits, Last modified:
ngs at the end of the semester. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider ("Nathan" or "Professor Schneider", he/him) <> Armory Building, 1B24 Office... t ([[:email_etiquette|via email]]) Website: []( ##
6 Hits, Last modified:
lture is not a spectator sport. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider ("Nathan" or "Professor Schneider") <> ([[:email_etiquette|tips]]) Armory 1... ednesdays 3-5 pm or by appointment Website: []( ##
6 Hits, Last modified:
al for a new network or feature ## Instructor Nathan Schneider ("Professor Schneider," he/him) <> Armory Building, 1B24 ... t ([[:email_etiquette|via email]]) Website: []( ## Teaching assistants The TAs in this class are accompl
5 Hits, Last modified:
economies for networks to come. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider <> Armory 1B24, meetings by appointment via email Website: []( ## Objectives * Gain fluency in the idioms of dominant e
5 Hits, Last modified:
ption's possible consequences. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider ("Nathan" or "Professor Schneider") <> Armory Building, 1B24 Office hours: ... t ([[:email_etiquette|via email]]) Website: []( ##
4 Hits, Last modified:
ration with community partners. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider (he/him) <> Armory 1B24 Office hours Wednesdays 3--5 pm or by appointment Website: []( ## Objectives * Cultivate habits of media activism by
3 Hits, Last modified:
traditions that have defined the mainstream more than is often recognized. Thanks to to modern-day textbook racket, the book is horribly expensive to buy in ... the discussion. Good questions are more valuable than answers. Tardiness will be understood by all as
3 Hits, Last modified: (thanks to a pretty strange website) from: * Robert ... ngoing P.C. and trigger warning debates: * Jonathan Chait, "[Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say](http://nym... rk_ (January 27, 2015) * Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, "[The Coddling of the American Mind](http:
2 Hits, Last modified:
tation that is appropriate for every case. Rather than stipulate a particular citation style for all tim... y and the use of standard citation systems rather than trying to invent your own. * If you're writing
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ssets/pdf/thesis_jakesch_cornell_phd.pdf) outputs than what a skilled human would create. AI outputs are... as possible with [appropriate citation]( When in
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ige and reliability in academic discourse greater than that of journalism, raw data sets, or other resea... ta. Scholarly articles are not necessarily better than other types of publication, but they do play a di
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clear and direct above all. It is more technical than journalistic writing, but less formal and jargon-laden than academic writing. * Articulates problems and so
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se pages contain course materials developed by [Nathan Schneider at the University of Colorado Boulder](... tp:// They are an open educational resource
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dokuwiki @wiki
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syntax @wiki
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