Fulltext results:
- global_media_literacy
- eflect on our own media existence and experience, presenting what we learn to each other and proposing crit... Asking pertinent, respectful questions of student presenters and guest speakers * Seeking one-on-one meet... eeping up. **20 points** ### Projects 1 and 2: Presentations A significant portion of what students wil... what we will all learn from, comes in the form of presentations. Each student will take part in two present
- hacker_culture_s2018
- e the contested figure of the hacker in the past, present, and science-fiction of the internet. This cours... ring the second meeting, a group of students will present to the class about a hacker skill related to that week's topic and Exploit assignment. This presentation will generally precede the week's DiscoTech,... choose to use as part of their own Exploits. Each presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long, with
- hacker_culture
- e the contested figure of the hacker in the past, present, and science-fiction of the Internet. This cours... ring the second meeting, a group of students will present to the class about a hacker skill related to that week's topic and Exploit assignment. Each presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long, with... s slides on Canvas before the class period of the presentation begins. At the end of the presentation, stu
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- assigned sources from the course ### Phase two: Presentation *20 percent* The second project for the course is a presentation to the class about the human impacts of a di... ood has been threatened by the disruption. In the presentation, students will share interviewees' insights,... ssignment is conducted in groups of 3-4, who will present 10-minute presentations with slides. Each presen
- media_activism
- the strategies and tactics of movements, past and present, we'll discover how media can shape social change... actice adventuresome thinking in both concept and presentation, using compelling media techniques to commun... ts, demonstrating careful attention to others and presenting reasoned articulations of one's views Partici... es or other evidence of their participation * Present a promising strategy for circulation, audience, a
- connected_media_practices
- dards]] * Articulate a challenge or problem and present background research on how other enterprises have... challenges and what options could be explored * Present one or two specific, plausible strategies, weighi... f, or, Using Media Archaeology to Reimagine Past, Present, and Future](http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/artic... s-if-or-using-media-archaeology-to-reimagine-past-present-and-future/))," _International Journal of Communi
- digital_culture_and_politics
- vels. Students will conduct original research and present their findings at the end of the semester. ## In... te circulation. #### Evaluation **50 points** *Present research questions* (5 points) In one minute, and... unless permission is granted to do otherwise * Be present in our interactions together, refraining from the... you observe in the existing literature. You will present your research question in class.* ## Research me
- introduction_to_social_media
- ings will generally include a short quiz. It will present questions about the week's readings as well as op... lowing evaluation criteria: * High-quality video presentation appropriate in tone and content for the inte... ce list (i.e., a bibliography) at the end of your presentation. Consult one of the many guides to APA citat
- media_and_the_public
- within it * Familiarize ourselves with past and present debates about media and democracy * Develop hab... internal corporate memo, a business case study, a presentation, a formal letter, a rant of tweets. The exp... for discussion and modified by agreement of those present during any official class period.* [ [[note:medi
- future_histories_of_technology
- sumers but active participants in reimagining the present and future of technology.* ## Instructor Nathan... s (class #2) * Workshopping capsules (class #3) * Present completed capsule (class #4) Attendance for all
- class_etiquette
- uccess in the class. For example: * **Be fully present**. Class is a place for focus, not multitasking. ... f your work. (In fact, I typically try to reward students who present contrary perspectives while grading.)
- academic_honesty
- ing someone else's argument as your own, and even presenting someone else's line of thinking in the develop... ot widely known or if the facts were developed or presented by a specific source, then you should identify
- religion_in_american_life
- ican Life: Discovering the Past, Encountering the Present ## What this class is about Religion is omnipr