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203 Hits, Last modified:
s, on the fourth floor of the American Museum of Natural History, there stood the remains of a tyranno... est-known careers in twentieth-century science--that of a writer and that of a researcher. The most impressive thing about these careers, though, was that they were both pursued by the same person: Stephe
184 Hits, Last modified:
-Mercer in Dave Eggers, _The Circle_ (2013) ## What is this course about? Are we all hackers now? This course plays with a kind of identity that began among geeky tinkerers and a murky criminal ... elped form our technological lives? Do hacker formations like Wikileaks, Anonymous, and open-source so... o help teach others. Hacker culture is not a spectator sport. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider ("Natha
159 Hits, Last modified:
-Mercer in Dave Eggers, _The Circle_ (2013) ## What is this course about? Are we all hackers now? Th... urse chronicles the story of a kind of identity that began among geeky tinkerers and a murky criminal ... elped form our technological lives? Do hacker formations like Wikileaks, Anonymous, and open-source so... o help teach others. Hacker culture is not a spectator sport. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider <nat
136 Hits, Last modified:
# Global Media Literacy Take a collaborative tour of the global media environment. This course unvei... own media existence and experience, presenting what we learn to each other and proposing critical interventions for change. ## Expectations This syllabus, for students who decide to pr... the university, and one another. Please ensure that you understand it fully, and don't hesitate to as
120 Hits, Last modified:
d achievement in contemporary business culture. What, exactly, do entrepreneurs, investors, and Internet evangelists mean by the word? What have been the great disruptions of our time, and who wound up disrupted? This course is a hands-on exploration of disruption as a practice and a theory, whic
111 Hits, Last modified:
the Public In this class, we will learn about what it means to be a mediated public by becoming one and reflecting on our practice. As we discuss critic... ss will undergo a process together. We will cultivate our own public sphere, setting rules and adjusti... ntervention. ## Objectives * Practice participating a lively community of discussion and debate, a
103 Hits, Last modified:
# Connected Media Practices **MDST 5001** What are the economies that underlie our connections? This course will undertake a journey into the practi... , together with avenues for critique and transformation. By turning a critical eye to the networks aro... economies for networks to come. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider <>
95 Hits, Last modified:
ocial media, the technology and infrastructures that allow them to flourish, and the cultures that grow up through and around them. It explores how social... y insights into a proposal for a new network or feature ## Instructor Nathan Schneider ("Professor Schneider," he/him) <
89 Hits, Last modified:
ure and Politics **MDST 3002** *Examines issues at the intersection of digital media, culture and politics, such as regulation and network architecture, piracy and hacking, ... s, democracy, liberalism and neo-liberalism in relation to digital information and communication technologies.* In this section, we will consider the cur
88 Hits, Last modified:
a silver bullet or a lost cause. It's often both at the same time and more in between. Through examining the strategies and tactics of movements, past and present, ... ected people? How can we tell stories of change that invite people to take part in changing the world?... l support, and honing our own practice in collaboration with community partners. ## Instructor Natha
syntax @wiki
70 Hits, Last modified:
====== Formatting Syntax ====== [[doku>DokuWiki]] supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page co... ay use when editing the pages. Simply have a look at the source of this page by pressing the //Edit this page// button at the top or bottom of the page. If you want to try
63 Hits, Last modified:
aculty are responsible for maintaining an appropriate learning environment in all instructional settin... individuals and topics dealing with race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation or political philosophy.
38 Hits, Last modified:
overing the Past, Encountering the Present ## What this class is about Religion is omnipresent, so ... we will learn about the power, diversity, and creativity of religion in the history of the United States of America. We will study *a variety of traditions* that have helped define U.S. culture---some you've hea
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# Academic honesty I expect that all my students adhere to an ethic of academic honesty: a practice of actively embracing the task of creating original work and crediting the contributions ... academic dishonesty as cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, falsifying academic records, and any act designed to avoi
27 Hits, Last modified:
# Citation standards Appropriate citations are a highly contextual matter. There is no one style of citation that is appropriate for every c
dokuwiki @wiki
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