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- media_and_the_public
- # Media and the Public In this class, we will learn about what it means to be a mediated public by becoming one and reflecting on our practice. As we discuss critical and primary readings on media, democracy, and the public sphere, the class w
- hacker_culture_s2018
- # Hacker Culture **MDST 2012** *it seems to me sometimes I've entered some inverted zone, some mirror world where the dorkiest shit in the world is completel
- hacker_culture
- # Hacker Culture **MDST 2012** *it seems to me sometimes I've entered some inverted zone, some mirror world where the dorkiest shit in the world is completel
- introduction_to_social_media
- # Introduction to Social Media **MDST 1002** This course introduces students to concepts for better understanding online social media---the technology and infrastructures that allo... p through and around them. It explores how social media enables community, how it assembles and empowe... and group behavior. Students should expect to come away with an enlarged perspective on social media
- gould
- In the mid-forties, on the fourth floor of the American Museum of Natural History, there stood the rem... though, was that they were both pursued by the same person: Stephen Jay Gould. Gould, who died this ... the popular and the professional scenes at the same moment. (Far more often, as dotage approaches, a scientist will try to leverage a lifetime of scienti
- global_media_literacy
- # Global Media Literacy Take a collaborative tour of the global media environment. This course unveils the hidden ways in which our media lives intersect with people an economies in di
- syntax @wiki
- tting Syntax ====== [[doku>DokuWiki]] supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the d... e top or bottom of the page. If you want to try something, just use the [[playground:playground|playgr... and <sup>superscript</sup>, too. You can mark something as <del>deleted</del> as well. You can mark something as <del>deleted</del> as well. **Paragraphs
- media_activism
- # Media Activism and Public Engagement **MDST 5002** Depending on whom you ask, media-powered activism can sound like either a silver bullet or a lost cause. It's often both at the same time and more in between. Through examining the s
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- epreneurship **MDST 2011** *Disruption* has become a hallowed achievement in contemporary business culture. What, exactly, do entrepreneurs, investors, and Internet evangelists mean by the word? What have been the great disruptions of our time, and who wound up disrupted? This course is a ha
- religion_in_american_life
- # Religion in American Life: Discovering the Past, Encountering the Present ## What this class is ab... , so to speak, and it influences our society in immense ways. Yet we are often taught not to think, di... religion in the history of the United States of America. We will study *a variety of traditions* that have helped define U.S. culture---some you've heard of, some you haven't. We will also e
- connected_media_practices
- # Connected Media Practices **MDST 5001** What are the economies that underlie our connections? This... dertake a journey into the practice and theory of media entrepreneurship, introducing the dominant nor... n to design tools and economies for networks to come. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider <nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> Armory 1B24, meetings by appointment via email Website: [natha
- digital_culture_and_politics
- *Examines issues at the intersection of digital media, culture and politics, such as regulation and ... ch and present their findings at the end of the semester. ## Instructor Nathan Schneider ("Nathan" o... Office hours: Wednesday at 3-5 p.m., or by appointment ([[:email_etiquette|via email]]) Website: [n... ourse consists of three concurrent processes: our meetings, your notebooks, and a conference on our co
- university_policies
- le for maintaining an appropriate learning environment in all instructional settings, whether in perso... /). ## Accommodation for Disabilities, Temporary Medical Conditions, and Medical Isolation If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability, pl... n letter from Disability Services to your faculty member in a timely manner so that your needs can be
- future_histories_of_technology
- y structure seemingly neutral research and development, usage, and innovation. Ultimately, our goal is to see how we’re not passive consumers but active participants in reimagining the pres... 24 Office hours Wednesdays 3-5 pm or by appointment Website: [nathanschneider.info](https://nathanschneider.info) ## Objectives * Become familiar with major texts and concepts relating t
- academic_honesty
- se or misleading information to receive a postponement or an extension on a test, quiz, or other assignment, and the submission of essentially the same work for two courses without the prior permission of th... sentences or phrases as your own, paraphrasing someone else's argument as your own, and even presenti