Fulltext results:
- connected_media_practices
- f/2113338.pdf)," _Journal of Economic History_ 7, no. 2 (November 1947) * Campbell Jones and André Spi... doi/10.1177/1350508405051189), _Organization_ 12, no. 2 (2005) * Lilly Irani, "[Hackathons and the Mak... 5t84v)," _Science, Technology & Human Values_ 40, no. 5 (2015) ### Idea (9/16) * Ferrier and Mays: "... g/stable/40060901)," _Technology and Culture_ 46, no. 3 (July 2005) * Jay Kirby and Lori Emerson, "[As
- gould
- gene for gathering behavior in women"--even when no such gene has ever been found) and an addiction t... unreadable book. It's unfortunate that Gould had no Wallace. "The Structure" 's mammoth dimensions ar... ith without breaking down entirely. The result is no evolutionary change. This idea of "developmental ... eparate species only if the two populations could no longer mate with each other and produce fertile o
- hacker_culture_s2018
- buting to both meatspace and virtual discussions. No attendance will be taken in class. However, showi... f their own Exploits. Each presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long, with slides and/or a l... ork-Celebrity-PC-2015.pdf)," _Public Culture_ 27, no. 1 (2015) * Robert Graham, "[No, 'Hacker' Really Does Mean 'Hacker'](http://blog.erratasec.com/2012
- future_histories_of_technology
- y anticipated absence before it occurs. There is no final project or exam. ### Kudos (40%) Class pa... e work. All materials are accessible digitally at no cost, either on the open internet or through the ... org/content/qt8sr8n99w/qt8sr8n99w.pdf)," _b2o_ 4, no. 2 (2019) ### Prediction * Lisa Raphals, "[On t... 7%2F1946756715627646)," _World Futures Review_ 7, no. 4 (2015) * Jens Beckert, "Fictional Expectations
- hacker_culture
- er preliminary, and we'll work on them in class. No attendance will be taken in class. However, showi... d Exploit assignment. Each presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long, with slides. One stude... http://phrack.org/issues/7/3.html)," _Phrack_ 1, no. 7 (1986) **Exploit: Compose a testimony or mani... ated in an earlier module, or try another, or use no identity at all. This can be online, over various
- syntax @wiki
- llowing syntax: I think we should do it > No we shouldn't >> Well, I say we should >... >>> Then lets do it! I think we should do it > No we shouldn't >> Well, I say we should > Really?... | Row 1 Col 3 | ^ Heading 4 | no colspan this time | | ^ Headin... | Row 1 Col 3 | ^ Heading 4 | no colspan this time | | ^ Head
- global_media_literacy
- inviting slides that summarize the content, with no more than one or two textual points (or less) per... ject 2 and start forming groups * September 29: NO CLASS * Watch "[Merchants of Cool](https://ar... * Schedule Project 2 presentations * October 6: NO CLASS - Group meetings * October 11: NO CLASS - Group meetings * October 13: NO CLASS - Group me
- media_activism
- 1111/jcom.12185)," _Journal of Communication_ 65, no. 6 (2015) * Merlyna Lim, "[Freedom to Hate: Soc... 2715.2017.1341188)," _Critical Asian Studies_ 49, no. 3 (2017) * Zizi Papacharissi, "[Affective Publ... )," _Information, Communication, and Society_ 19, no. 3 (2016) *By this time, consult with instructor... a-Chock, _Design Justice_ *Project proposal due; no Intervention.* ### 9. "Narratives" and "Sites"
- media_and_the_public
- an.com/joreen/tyranny.htm)," _The Second Wave_ 2, no. 1 (1972) For a more recent, theoretical express... mary/v014/14.1warner.html)," _Public Culture 14_, no. 1 (2002) * Adam Curtis, _[The Century of the S... tuated%20Knowledges.pdf)," _Feminist Studies_ 14, no. 3\. (1988) * Gene Demby, "[How Black Reporters... hat the commons is all about: * Fran Korten, "[No Panaceas! Elinor Ostrom Talks with Fran Korten](h
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- ilar lapses in [[academic honesty]] can result in no credit for the assignment and referral to campus ... logicmag.io/04-the-unicorn-hunters/)," _Logic(s)_ no. 4 (2018) * Paul Graham, "[Startup = Growth](http... f/2113338.pdf)," _Journal of Economic History_ 7, no. 2 (November 1947) ### Phase two: Disrupted Pha... lifornian_Ideology.pdf)," _Science as Culture_ 6, no. 1 (1996) * Jennifer Brandel, Mara Zepeda, Astrid
- religion_in_american_life
- itive contributions to the class community. * **No gizmos in class.** This means no cell phones, no laptops, no tablets, or anything else that could possibly have a network connection. (The only except
- introduction_to_social_media
- ilar lapses in [[academic honesty]] can result in no credit for the assignment and referral to campus ... 634437241276408)," _Media, Culture & Society_ 47, no. 1 (2024) Artifact: _[Rest of World](https://res
- screen_devices
- 563212001926)," _Computers in Human Behavior_ 28, no. 6 (November 2012) * "[One Instructor's Approac
- citation_standards
- itations are a highly contextual matter. There is no one style of citation that is appropriate for eve