
Posts are syndicated across various social media networks—find them here and join the discussion.

  • USDA Webinar

    USDA Webinar

    On October 29, come join me and some leading co-op builders from Colorado and Puerto Rico at a US Dept. of Agriculture webinar: “Cooperative Ecosystems: Transformations in Worker Ownership, Housing, Community Development, and Agriculture” Register here:

  • Spicer book event

    Spicer book event

    How Has Structural Racism Held Back the Co-op Movement? Join MEDLab and the E2C Collective for an event on an important new book on the co-op legacy and racial capitalism. Learn more and register here:

  • Emergency Workplace Organizing PSA

    Emergency Workplace Organizing PSA

    Want to organize your workplace but don’t know where to start? The Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee has some amazing trainings for curious workers coming up:

  • NYC Next Week: Beautiful Solutions

    NYC Next Week: Beautiful Solutions

    If you’re in NYC next week, come join us for the Beautiful Solutions release event—a book of solidarity economy stories from around the world:

  • Change is in the cards

    Change is in the cards

    MEDLab has a new zine, a tarot-themed exploration of open-source governance, “Change Is In the Cards” Order your free print copies:

  • Beautiful Solutions at NCBA

    Beautiful Solutions at NCBA

    Look at this beautiful pile of Beautiful Solutions books at the Natl Coop Biz Assoc conference in DC! My first time touching the real thing. Get your own:

  • Beautiful Solutions release in NYC

    Beautiful Solutions release in NYC

    Hey you in NYC! Come celebrate the release of Beautiful Solutions, the book I’ve co-edited full of solidarity economy stories from around the world. We’re gathering on the LES on October 23:

  • Grad programs pitch

    Grad programs pitch

    Understand media, heal the world, live by the mountains! My department has MA and PhD programs in Media Studies, with a deep commitment to public engagement and social change. Come join us for one of two info sessions next month: 10/8, 5pm:, 10am: more:

  • Hire a Co-op

    Hire a Co-op

    A new website, Hire a Co-op, is a guide for hiring co-op services for tech, research, admin, and media needs:

  • My department is hiring

    My department is hiring

    Have I told you that I have a FABULOUS department? I do. And guess what? We are HIRING. Assistant Professor in Technology, Justice, and Equity. Applications due October 31.