Author: Nathan
A Circle without a Middle Is No Circle
The Self-Thinking Thought
How to Depict “Nothing”?
She Who Is
by @claireinmidair
by @claireinmidair
Resurrection in History
by @nathanairplane
The Stars in the Window
by @signsandwonders
Hacking the World
My profile of anthropologist Gabriella Coleman in The Chronicle of Higher Education opens with a scene from the New York City memorial service for Aaron Swartz in January: The forces that seem to have hastened Swartz’s death were very much haunting the room. In the audience was a mischievous, greasy-haired hacker known as “weev,” who…
The Pope Is Not the Church
I like the new pope—more than I expected, at least. But even so let’s remember: The pope is not the church. It’s going to be very tempting to forget this fact over the next few days. The pundits, Catholic and otherwise, have been rapt in the suspense of awaiting the arrival of Pope Francis. We…