Author: Nathan

  • Internet Archive book event posted

    Internet Archive book event posted

    I think the #GovernableSpaces book tour just ended:) The recording is now available from my conversation yesterday with the brilliant technology scholar and activist Lilly Irani, hosted by no less than the Internet Archive—watch it here:

  • Book talk at the Media Archaeology Lab

    Book talk at the Media Archaeology Lab

    Hometown book talk! I’ll be discussing Governable Spaces at the computer lab of my dreams, CU Boulder’s Media Archaeology Lab, on September 18—details here:

  • On Accidental Gods

    On Accidental Gods

    Just out today! I’m on the Accidental Gods podcast with the novelist Manda Scott, who is also the kind of reader and question-asker that every author dreams of. This is a perfect entry-point into my recent work, and more:

  • Opening: Metagov executive director

    Opening: Metagov executive director

    Metagov, the laboratory for digital governance that whose board I chair, is looking for a new executive director. It’s a chance to help build a young, growing nonprofit. Learn more here:

  • Online book talk with the Internet Archive

    Online book talk with the Internet Archive

    On August 22, join me and the brilliant scholar-activist Lilly Irani for an event on my book Governable Spaces, hosted by the Internet Archive. Register here:

  • New edition of social media textbook

    New edition of social media textbook

    The textbook Humans R Social Media, which I use in my Intro to Social Media class, now has a new edition: It includes a new chapter from me on “Regulation,” improvements suggested by my students, and a governance model I helped develop with lead author Diana Daly.

  • Who owns creative work?

    On August 14 I’m doing a virtual event with two of the most important thinkers on the artistic and social possibilities of digital tokens, Amy Whitaker and Kelani Nichole. Register to join us here:

  • Politics beyond partisans

    “Political parties,” Simone Weil wrote, “are organizations that are publicly and officially designed for the purpose of killing in all souls the sense of truth and of justice.” Don’t let parties be the extent of your politics.

  • The caricature of feudalism

    The caricature of feudalism

    “Feudalism” was always caricature of what medieval governance actually was, but in the digital era we have adopted that caricature. The acceptance of unaccountable admins spread through our networks and is now bleeding into our politics. I wrote a book on this:

  • Let the president preside

    I am trying to find solance in that maybe I was right about Biden back in 2020, but two wars later I am not so sure.