Author: Nathan
Bitcoin Halving
I’m quoted in a @CoinDesk report on the Bitcoin halving, in which I decry the longing for financial systems beyond human control:
A day for Palestine
My friend and colleague Nabil Echchaibi opens up A Day for Palestine at CU Boulder—with food, art, dance, VR, poetry, and testimonies from Gaza, “to dream Palestine free.”
“YouTube philosophers”
I wrote in America Magazine about masculinity and attention spans among some popular podcast philosophers:
Social cooperative academy
Cooperators! Join the movement to bring the powerful, care-centered social cooperative model to the United States—starting with this online academy from RMEOC:
Governable Spaces online book launch now online
ICYMI, the video of the #GovernableSpaces online book launch event is now available, thanks to the Metagovernance Seminar:
Happy Feast of St. Drogo
From St. Drogo’s coffee shop in Boulder.
On the Techdirt podcast
Just saw this—my #GovernableSpaces interview with the great theorist and journalist of technology Mike Masnick is up and out on the Techdirt Podcast: I hugely admire Mike’s grounded thinking on protocols and decentralization. This was a really fun conversation.
Radio interview on TikTok and privacy
This week I returned to Counterpoint, a great listener-supported syndicated radio show, to talk about the proposed TikTok ban—and why Congress is approaching tech regulation backwards:
Against “gender ideology”
The Vatican has just reaffirmed its hostility toward so-called “gender ideology.” I recently wrote in the magazine of the pope’s Jesuit order that this posture is a dangerous failure of imagination:
On the Tech Policy Press podcast
Thanks to Justin Hendrix of Tech Policy Press for a fun conversation on #GovernableSpaces: While you’re there, check out Janet Vertesi’s great new piece on TPP on how AI is a shorthand for outsourcing: