Category: Posts

  • The “poor man’s prayer” of Alphonse Desjardins

    A prayer for the work of the caisse populaire and other similar works: Sacred Heart of Jesus, I beg of You the special grace of Your divine light. If I am making a mistake, enlighten me, and inspire in my a strong aversion, a great dislike for the idea that I would pursue and which…

  • An Incomplete Ambition

    Decentralization is a word I’ve heard used to justify a lot of nonsense over the past decade. So last summer I drafted a long, somewhat stuffy, digression-filled assault on it. With the help of comments from a bunch of friends and strangers, it has just been published in the fantastic Journal of Cultural Economy. It’s…

  • “Everything” for the Holidays

    Give the gift of possibility. My new book, Everything for Everyone, tells how the tradition of cooperative enterprise has shaped the better parts of our world and poses a radical challenge to the forces eroding democracy around the globe today. Since it came out in September, it has been featured in places like Fast Company,…

  • The Hidden Consensus of Cooperative Business

    A slide-deck I’ve been using around Everything for Everyone, which summarizes some of the major parts of the book. Some of them. It has two dimensions; advance with spacebar. See below or here for full-screen.

  • Countdown to “Everything”

    It’s less than a month now until my new book on the co-op economy, Everything for Everyone, is out. Here’s what some advance readers are saying: “Schneider tackles an immense subject with precision and grace”—Naomi Klein “It is a book for everyone and a book for our times: read it, share it, but don’t just…

  • Letter to the Boulder City Council on municipal broadband

    In advance of the meeting tomorrow, I would like to write in support of moving forward on expanding our city-owned broadband resources. Several years of research on municipal and other community-based broadband solutions has made clear to me that communities need to take an active role in ensuring that their internet access is accessible, affordable,…

  • Radical Tradition

    This May Day, this Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, I apologize in advance. But I also don’t. The next few months, I’ll be working hard to spread the word about my new book, Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition that Is Shaping the Next Economy, published by the good people at Nation Books. The…

  • Serving the State

    This month I have a new title—I’m an assistant professor of media studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, on tenure track. It’s not fully clear to me how this departure from the precariat happened, except that it involved a move across the country with my family, astonishingly supportive colleagues, patient students, and an opportunity…

  • What Happened to the Future?

    Hi there! We’re just a few weeks away from the third #platformcoop conference at The New School in New York—a celebration and strategy session for a truly democratic internet. It’s called The People’s Disruption, and it runs all day November 10 and 11. If you can come to just one part of it, come to…

  • The People’s Disruption

    Want to help bring democracy to the internet? On the heels of the successful platform co-op conference in Toronto, I’m now working with a mighty team of collaborators to organize November’s conference in New York, The People’s Disruption. It’s all about connecting the resources of the present with ambitious visions of a cooperative future online,…