Category: Posts

  • Phoenix of Gaza in CPR

    Phoenix of Gaza in CPR

    AIRED TODAY: Colorado Public Radio reports on the extraordinary work of our student Naim Aburaddi, whose Phoenix of Gaza XR project has documented Gaza, before and after this war. Experiencing this footage has shaped me forever.

  • Zine arrival!

    Zine arrival!

    Just arrived, two beautiful boxes from Radix Media co-op full of copies of the newest MEDLab zine! Download and print yours here:

  • Yancey Strickler on Looks Like New

    Yancey Strickler on Looks Like New

    Don’t miss this fascinating new interview with Kickstarter & Metalabel co-founder Yancey Strickler on my lab’s podcast, Looks Like New:

  • Beyond demonstration projects

    Beyond demonstration projects

    In this episode of The Ownership Economy podcast, I throw down on why I think the mutualist movement has lost its ambition—and how we can rediscover a vision beyond mere demonstration projects:—Beyond-Demonstration-Projects-Scaling-Shared-Ownership-for-Impact-with-Nathan-Schneider-e2r5gn9

  • Democracy against Democracy

    Cross-posted from Flaming Hydra. I am a professor who has spent the past decade arguing that there should be more democracy on the Internet. There is a certain convenience in this position. Democracy can sound either radical or respectable, depending on who’s listening. Who would disagree with democracy? But then, when I gave talks in…

  • Democracy against democracy

    Check out my debut in Flaming Hydra, a writer-owned, reader supported co-op newsletter: “Democracy Against Democracy.” Subscribe to see if there is any hope.

  • The Marriage of Platforms and Politics Is Complete

    The Marriage of Platforms and Politics Is Complete

    On election night, the effective-accelerationist influencer @BasedBeffJezos posted a photo of Donald Trump along with Dana White and Elon Musk, captioned “CEO, CMO, CTO of the USA.” The country, the post implied, has become a tech company. The next day, Beff Jezos added, “America is back in the warm embrace of the techno-capital machine.” Once…

  • On Ramesh Srinivasan’s podcast

    On Ramesh Srinivasan’s podcast

    Cornel West, Andrew Yang, and… me. I’m grateful to have the chance to join Ramesh Srinivasan’s formidable new podcast, Utopias—where we talk protest, platforms, and power.

  • Right to associate in NPQ

    Right to associate in NPQ

    Do you really have the right to associate, asserted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Now out in Nonprofit Quarterly: A call for the policy strategies that we need to really have the right to meet our collective needs through association. This has been many months in the work. Let me know what you…

  • Zine release

    Zine release

    This Wednesday, come to the online release event for CHANGE IS IN THE CARDS, a new zine on the mysticism of governance transitions in online communities. Come for the zine, stay for the tarot reading.