Category: Posts
Democracy against democracy
Check out my debut in Flaming Hydra, a writer-owned, reader supported co-op newsletter: “Democracy Against Democracy.” Subscribe to see if there is any hope.
On Ramesh Srinivasan’s podcast
Cornel West, Andrew Yang, and… me. I’m grateful to have the chance to join Ramesh Srinivasan’s formidable new podcast, Utopias—where we talk protest, platforms, and power.
Right to associate in NPQ
Do you really have the right to associate, asserted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Now out in Nonprofit Quarterly: A call for the policy strategies that we need to really have the right to meet our collective needs through association. This has been many months in the work. Let me know what you…
Zine release
This Wednesday, come to the online release event for CHANGE IS IN THE CARDS, a new zine on the mysticism of governance transitions in online communities. Come for the zine, stay for the tarot reading.
Conversation with Jenny Odell
Last month, I had the privilege of a live conversation with the artist and writer Jenny Odell in Poughkeepsie, New York. It was a DELIGHT. I just noticed that the video is now up here:
Post-election solutions
The events of the past few days make me all the more grateful to have helped put together this book, full of the BEAUTIFUL SOLUTIONS we can build whether state power is with us or not.
Now out: “Innovation amnesia”
Just published at the wonderful (open access) journal First Monday, my long-in-progress article on a general theory of how innovation events train us to forget: “Innovation amnesia: Technology as a substitute for politics”
Election financialization is one-sided
A vote for Donald Trump, among other things, is a vote for the speculative casino as the engine of our political future.
The Age of Campaign Financialization is Here
What matters more, your vote or your bet on a prediction market? A campaign contribution or a stock purchase? It has long been common practice to worry about “campaign finance.” But even since the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court decision further unleashed dark money, that kind of finance was relatively straightforward: contributions to support the…