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  • Assumptions in code

    Assumptions in code

    When you try to write code that breaks prevailing assumptions, you realize just how deeply embedded those assumptions are. Here’s a bit from #GovernableSpaces on one of my attempts to code my way out of “implicit feudalism.” Get the book:

  • “What if democracy is not what we are after but the path to something else?”

    “What if democracy is not what we are after but the path to something else?”

    Zizi Papacharissi in #GovernableSpaces. Read it now:

  • Governable Spaces on KGNU radio

    Governable Spaces on KGNU radio

    “Democracy is in crisis – and what is missing from the conversation is the crisis of democracy of everyday life online.” I’m proud as always to be featured on KGNU, Boulder’s community radio station:

  • A trust for Reddit user shareholders

    Is anyone setting up a means for Reddit users to aggregate the stock voting power many will be receiving through an entity that can act in users’ interests? Consider the concept of “user trusts”:

  • Toward syndication

    Toward syndication

    I’m starting to move back to the old way: making posts over at, syndicating them on social. Hello, world. Wish me luck.

  • The only important cause of the Colorado fires is not a mystery

    Imagine if a group of foreign conspirators, by piloting a humming drone armada, dropped incendiary bombs on an American neighborhood. Somewhere between 500 and 1000 homes were destroyed. The smoke plumed over a major city, and flames threatened to stir up the radioactive particles in the soil of a nearby retired nuclear facility. Thousands of…

  • “We need to reinvent the co-op”

    Originally published by Vanderbilt Divinity School’s Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice in a series on “Cooperatives and Religious Communities.” When I discovered that the hardware company my grandfather ran at the end of his career was a cooperative, my uncle sent me an email with a single image: the New York Times photo of…

  • The “poor man’s prayer” of Alphonse Desjardins

    A prayer for the work of the caisse populaire and other similar works: Sacred Heart of Jesus, I beg of You the special grace of Your divine light. If I am making a mistake, enlighten me, and inspire in my a strong aversion, a great dislike for the idea that I would pursue and which…

  • An Incomplete Ambition

    Decentralization is a word I’ve heard used to justify a lot of nonsense over the past decade. So last summer I drafted a long, somewhat stuffy, digression-filled assault on it. With the help of comments from a bunch of friends and strangers, it has just been published in the fantastic Journal of Cultural Economy. It’s…

  • “Everything” for the Holidays

    Give the gift of possibility. My new book, Everything for Everyone, tells how the tradition of cooperative enterprise has shaped the better parts of our world and poses a radical challenge to the forces eroding democracy around the globe today. Since it came out in September, it has been featured in places like Fast Company,…