A Clipping Service

Maybe you’ve noticed I’ve been playing around with The Row Boat’s Text Ticker the last few days. This little feature, which has been hiding on the sidebar for a few months now, is part of my way of finding the fine line that every blog strives for between self-indulgence and providing an honest service. In the spirit of some of the places on the internet I’m most thankful for, such as bookforum (formerly Political Theory Daily Review) and 3QuarksDaily, my hope is to share the articles and things I come across in my readings with a tiny bit of commentary. I hope you will find it useful.

This, incidentally, comes about around the same time that The Immanent Frame has come out with its own similar feature, called here & there. I’ll be a contributor to that too. Follow here & there, follow Text Ticker, and you’ll never be bored on the internet again.


